Anonymous ID: 0e4163 Jan. 5, 2019, 5:17 p.m. No.4617710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7768

>>4617500 (pb)

>trust the plan



If there was a plan…the plan is screwed six ways to Sunday…sorry. it is what it is…and Q's continual reversals and UNETHICAL posts…whatever POTUS is…Q…isn't part of it…because there is no way POTUS would give you advice COUNTER to the latest DHS preparedness advice.


If you think that he would…then you must think he's a monster…because only a monster would tell you with a straight face…the grid is protected. IT'S NOT…and prepping isn't just for the grid…it's for ALL natural disasters like the one that is coming SOON…screen shot this…the fucking water…is coming. And it's gonna be UGLY!

Anonymous ID: 0e4163 Jan. 5, 2019, 5:32 p.m. No.4618161   🗄️.is 🔗kun



wow Haime…you're come backs are getting better and better…not very intelligent or fact filled…but…no son, I'm in the back room fucking your wife's boyfriend.


>>4612238 (pb)

>My background is in the research of the mind and I have serious doubts that Q/Q team/Potus understand that aspect of things - the mental/spiritual.


>I am seeing that they are violating natural law in the area of Ethics and I do wonder if they understand the consequences of that. Thanks for the post Anon.


There are so many ethical violations at this point..that I sincerely hope POTUS knows nothing of this…or knows something but not…what they're doing…and KEK you don't want to know my background…but I recognize an OP when I see it….what has stunned how easy it's been.


Grant it…not with /pol/ the brains of the world…it didn't last long there…kek..herding cats…but I'm watching this and all I can think is that they've learned how to replace a population, how to stop critical thinking…how to manipulate and get people to agree to anything….


I wanted to believe but after Q's post telling people not to prep…my already hinking hinky meters went into overdrive…talk about fucking unethical…I do not believe POTUS would tell people that.


I'm going back to /pol/ tho…kek…I miss those glorious basturds!

Anonymous ID: 0e4163 Jan. 5, 2019, 5:34 p.m. No.4618220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8240


SRSLY? egofag…Q never answers important shit…ever. Like who is funding this op…and lying to you about prepping…but suck that dick there Jr…hope it tastes good.

Anonymous ID: 0e4163 Jan. 5, 2019, 5:39 p.m. No.4618345   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4617497 (pbQtard)

>How do politicians become 'extremely' wealthy while in office on gov't salaries?

fucktard…why not DO something about that?


or do you get off circle jerking to shit we already know….we already know this shit..the power of the fucking purse..are you poking FUN at me for asking..WHO IS PAYING FOR THIS website and upgrades?


Power of the fucking purse…infuckingdeed…did jew give me a sideways hint?


FORCE Rs…waaaa…well if you hadn't dropped the ball post 2016 election fraud, hadn't dropped the ball on Roy Moore fraud..and hadn't dropped the fucking ball on voter ID and midterms….maybe no one would have to be fucking forced…like I was forced to vote for a fucking RINO to give POTUS another R…when …oh fucking never fucking mind.


N O respect…you told these retards NOT to prep to ignore DHS prep recommendations and you told them the grid was safe…WHO the actual fuck LIES to people like that?

