Anonymous ID: a21b35 Jan. 5, 2019, 5:12 p.m. No.4617620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7645 >>7814 >>8056

It's 2019 and what are we still getting? Useless riddles. Funny how the topic has shifted away from mass arrests for treason / pizzagate etc.


Hope everyone is getting ready to fight, because that is the ONLY card left we have to play. Take your head out of the riddles for a moment and just look at what Q is: the info is more than enough for every patriot to expect war, and at the very very least a major, major cleansing of alphabet agencies and the military. So since we haven't gotten that, it's starting to looking like a challenge to patriots: "we're going to tell you of all these satanic ritual abuse crimes, human trafficking, pedophilia, treason here, treason there, treason everywhere, and what are you going to do about it??"


The answer appears to be nothing. Just curious, answer this poll: How long can Q/Trump go on without delivering?


1) 1 month


2) 2 months


3) 3 months


4) 4-11 months


5) 1-2 years


6) forever, I will never abandon qanon, he never promised mass arrests etc. etc.

Anonymous ID: a21b35 Jan. 5, 2019, 5:24 p.m. No.4617880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8000 >>8054 >>8320


Who cares if Q is real, and if Q is Trump if they can't deliver though? Where is the mass arrest of pedos over pizza gate and human trafficking? Where is the mass arrest of traitors in the military for chemtrails and literal assassinations of our patriots? Where is the mass arrest of treasonous politicians who sold our most classified intel and routinely take bribes to pass horrible laws that favor big corporations and bankrupt the middle class?


I hope you are spending as much time on preparing to fight as getting lost in Q because you have to just step back and look: it's been over 2 YEARS now that we've been lost in these riddles. Where has it gotten us? Name one major victory…you can't. Even if the wall is built, we don't know if that's just to placate us so they can amnesty 30 million illegals. There has been ZERO interior enforcement (i.e. deportation of spics) unless they are a literal fucking fingerprinted criminal.


Let me let you in on a secret about this world: There are very few to no "good" people in this world, at least not anyone with any real power. The ONLY thing that people respect is STRENGTH and LETHALITY. That is the ONLY, ONLY thing that gets anyone's attention. So if you want mass arrests, if you want the "Make America Great Again" / patriot / whatever movement to succeed, is has to be backed by FORCE. In other words millions of patriots polishing their guns and demanding a fight any day now. That's the only thing these assholes understand - which side is it going to hurt me more to fight? And right now that appears to be the Democrats, since our own military is a bunch of faggot pussies that should have done the COUP on the government a long time ago. Then we wouldn't be having these faggot pussy problems.

Anonymous ID: a21b35 Jan. 5, 2019, 5:33 p.m. No.4618196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8271


Yeah I already know I don't belong here WASTING MY TIME. I figured that out a long time ago. Lot of people here though unfortunately wasting their time as well, when they should be training and prepping for war.