Anonymous ID: 6ff711 Jan. 5, 2019, 5:41 p.m. No.4618391   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4618240 (pb)

>you've been ~~shilling~~ asking good questions all day you stupid faggot,


yeah…better to think than to be a mind controlled robot…calling ME stupid…sucks Q's dick without question?


LOL I hope you live on a coastline…I sincerely do.

Anonymous ID: 6ff711 Jan. 5, 2019, 5:45 p.m. No.4618493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8557 >>8562 >>8665 >>8881

>>4618020 (pb unethical lying Q)

>2.2 million attempted access within 1-2 minutes.

>Site crashed.

Maybe the newfags will see this and ask questions…instead of mindlessly suck you're dick.


RE Q on…transparency….yes it is necessary…so who is PAYING for this operation? Where are the funds to upgrade the site / servers coming from? It cannot be DoD…public funds for private purposes (and this is a Trump board..solely a Trump board) is illegal…it cannot come from election funds without being listed (at least legally) and if private funds are being used, WHO is funding this? This is not a cheap operation. BO claims not to know who is paying…CM likely knows…but seems depressed of late…


Fact: this board is solely for the support of POTUS (fine…I love POTUS)…and re-election is constantly mentioned here…thus putting the whole "research" thing into question…while research DOES happen…it is nothing that is not and has not been publicly available for years…new stuff comes out…linked to old..but the FACT remains this is a TRUMP focused board. But mostly people are sitting around waiting for something…to happen.


FACT: Using taxpayer funds for a private function is illegal. Period.


FACT: The head spinning twists and turns…example


  1. CIA / NSA baaaad


  1. NSA GOOD Snowden baaaad


Just today..


  1. Q Mueller expired


  1. Mueller gets 6 month extension


Which witch is which…are you going to take responsibility for the despondency that is going to set in when NOTHING changes / happens?


To prove this is solely a Trump focused private board…watch responses to my post…which will mostly include STFU…and zero critical thinking about the actual questions I asked.


SO who is paying for this?


Fact: while MSM talks about Qanon, not one of them has linked to the actual board…why?


  1. Sending people to the right forum might redpill them?


  1. But interested people are going to find it anyway…and get redpilled, primarily regarding the JQ…which as yet has not been censored here…(as yet)


In whose interest is it to avoid sending people to the correct forum…while at the same time calling it out as a conspiracy theory? which bad actor would allow JQ posts but take steps to prevent uninformed people from coming here?


WHY would banning JQ here be a red flag?


Who would want to avoid waving such a YUGE red flag?


I know POTUS has to know all about the JQ despite outward appearances because he's not a stupid person…he's brilliant…


why wouldn't POTUS put an end to it?


Perhaps the original intent has slightly backfired on the operators…POTUS wouldn't put an end to it because for the moment it's working FOR him…and perhaps is tweaking it more to his benefit to keep it working for him? and take control of something that was originally meant to misdirect?


The Q that posted today…different energy, different Q…frustrated Q…and a little bit scared…not sure what that's about though.


FACT: this board has served to keep Americans pacified…that's exactly what the CIA controlled? wikileaks said…about Q..a Trump base pacification scheme…why would the CIA point that out?


In any case it is most certainly pacification…no one can deny that..if you do…you're blind. Pacification…moar time…what was Q's post about? MOAR time?




The French…are acting while Americans are hoping someone else is gonna act for them…in whose interest is this pacification scheme serving?


I have zero doubts about POTUS…but the man is surrounded…he KEEPS HIRING swamp monsters…picking them down bit by bit…ok fine….but again, this country is FULL of skilled PATRIOTS…who have the abilities to take on those jobs without any taint of swamp…and yet those people…ignored….


False hope for things like NESARA / GESARA are continually permitted to be posted here…that endless "it's coming" has propagated so much false hope that I fear for the people…why not put it down…but then again people want to believe…R was put down and it's still shilled…people are stupid…and I don't think Q meant the demorats.


That MUzZY bitch lied six ways to Sunday to get elected…and she just took office…midterms are safe? REALLY? When in your face cheating is taking place…and no one does a damn thing about it….straight off an investigation should be happening..RIGHT NOW…not in two years…one committed fraud by marrying her brother…and she also just took office…where the fuck do you expect us to SEE justice?


No where….your time is coming to a close. TWO fucking years and the ONLY people to come close to jail…are Trump's people…


Excuses abound…yes yes let them impeach him..that's the way to get evidence into…SRSLY? ANOTHER FUCKING 2 years of listening to this endless crap? NOPE…just nope.


Start making VISIBLE efforts on what is VISIBLE corruption…and stop dicking the fuck around. That muzzy bitch lied to get elected, start the fuck there…VISIBLE corruption…and invisible justice. Thanks guise.

Anonymous ID: 6ff711 Jan. 5, 2019, 5:47 p.m. No.4618540   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4618317 (pb qtard dick sucker)

>We do need to start skinning some pelts because we've got a morale problem with some of our more impatient Anons…


NO retard you have a MORAL and ETHICAL problem….and anyone who can't see it is a fucking mind controlled bot.

Anonymous ID: 6ff711 Jan. 5, 2019, 5:49 p.m. No.4618592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8806

>>4617880 (pb critical thinking ANON)

>Name one major victory…you can't. Even if the wall is built, we don't know if that's just to placate us so they can amnesty 30 million illegals. There has been ZERO interior enforcement (i.e. deportation of spics) unless they are a literal fucking fingerprinted criminal.


holy shit…another one that hasn't drunk the koolaid…


there's two of us now.

Anonymous ID: 6ff711 Jan. 5, 2019, 6 p.m. No.4618897   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Do you notice any similarities?

I don't even know who this is…but it's not the Q that has been mindfucking people…energy never dissipates, it merely changes form

>D's attempt to turn the public against our police, ICE, and those who continually serve the public interest (protect)?


Police protect? AH fact didn't a court recently rule that Police have no duty to protect? IN fact…we've been having nothing BUT problems with cops corruption…and unethical behavior…stealing people's money on the side of the highway…thanks feds…arming the cops like they are military…who the flipping fuck are you?


>Open borders w/ no Immigration & Customs Officials to safeguard the people?

Yeah, explain why DHS just turned another 2k loose into the country…and that's just the ones we know about…say ONE another…blame it on the dems?

>EU gov't attempt to turn the police against the people re: yellow vest protests?

attempt? I'd say the police were much like OUR police…not far to turn them…considering how the POLICE handled Antifa and that's just ONE example…who the flipping fuck are you? Liar.

>Police vs People _ EU

Police v. Americans…it's been that way for ages…stop bullshitting

>D's attempt to sway public vs Police/ICE _ US

It has been that way for ages…right now a young man trapped in a antifa protest with his car being attacked and his life REGINALD DENNY at facing life in prison. Fuck off…police could have stopped that…they didn't.

>A war against GLOBALISM.


>A war to retain SOVEREIGNTY.








>FAKE NEWS push of racism, fascism, sexism, every other …'ism' etc…. against those seeking to END GLOBALISM in favor of NATIONALISM (pride of heritage and culture - preservation & security/safety) is DESIGNED TO KEEP YOU SUBMISSIVE.

That's NOT fucking fake news asshole…it's the damn truth…the result of a education system…that has been fouled by liberalism for the past 20 years. THAT did not happen overnight…feds turn the other way while gender studies becomes a thing? A tranny in the white house now women got to pee with men?



>Why do D's deploy and use 'racism' as their 'go-to' tactic when an argument or narrative cannot factually be substantiated?



THIS isn't about POTUS…


THIS isn't about POTUS…it's about what's been happening in this country for the past 20 years…


there can be no reconciliation with stupid. It's all loud words.

>They want you DIVIDED.

We are divided…stop with your fucking emotional appeals to bullshit.


You really need to stop talking about your followers that way…'re right…they are what they are…controlled…submissive..hey boss…and the fun part is they don't even know you're talking about THEM…

>Posse Comitatus Act.

yeah you kind of failed on that one…Bush changed it..>Obama made it worse…got it all set for you then didn't they? What fucking idiot calls out PCA after what what's been DONE to it but oddly Trump did NOT undo….that's NOT a good thing….not a good thing..;priming your sheep to be ready for troops in the street? Because these shit for brains don't think it will be used on them….


Anonymous ID: 6ff711 Jan. 5, 2019, 6:04 p.m. No.4618987   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Righteous anger noted. Coward shill response confirmed.

it's been that way for months…it's like someone unplugged them…(supposing there was ever a plug)…it's AUTO dometisticated…I read another Q bullshit and responded in this bread too..I had fucking steam coming out my ears reading that load of shit…and all the other responses…were yes massa hey boss…holy fuck this is a whole other plantation.

Anonymous ID: 6ff711 Jan. 5, 2019, 6:05 p.m. No.4619032   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Start prepping for war

nah brah…the earth is about to tell Q how tired she is with the lies and bullshit….cause it's happening…soon. Prep to take care of your family, ignore the fuck whatever Q says about not prepping.