Anonymous ID: c125f8 Feb. 22, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.461933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2372



The Cabal is in so much trouble on this one that they are hoping they can just ignore the whole thing and wait for everyone to forget about it.


Alphabet, the parent company of GooTube, has been working overtime to suppress as many Vegas conspiracy analysis videos as possible.


The film Jason Bourne (2016) is a clear example of an Alliance production, revealing how Google was taken over by the CIA – an "Alphabet" agency.


This is only thinly veiled, where the name "Deep Dream" is used instead of Google. Once you make that connection, it becomes extremely obvious.


[UPDATE: This is further made clear when you realize that Google has an AI prototype program called Deep Mind.]


A dead-ringer lookalike for Google founder Sergey Brin is directly threatened by Tommy Lee Jones, as a top CIA don, in the movie.



Anonymous ID: c125f8 Feb. 22, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.461954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1958 >>1987 >>1996 >>2285

As we have tracked in The Antarctic Atlantis, now with over 1.1 million views, the Cabal has been planning a "Partial Disclosure" scenario.


This would feature the shocking discovery that ancient, megalithic stone ruins and human bodies have been found under the ice of Antarctica.


They intended to hold off on revealing the more advanced ruins for a longer time – potentially even decades.


The hope was that an announcement of this nature could change the public's perception about them when they were on the verge of a massive defeat.


For years, insiders like Pete Peterson, the late William Tompkins and Corey Goode have told us there are habitable caverns under the ice.


Our intel was that natural volcanic activity was heating the glaciers and causing hollow caverns to form – warm enough to walk around in a T-shirt.


This creates a wonderful haven for secret activity. German U-boats were the first to discover these amazing caves and ancient ruins in the 1930s.


Ever since they were first discovered, the whole area has been on lockdown. You can't go there. Covertly, vast teams of technicians are now working there.


Pete has also introduced me to another insider who has never come forward, and who also worked on analyzing the same, massive crash site.





We were told that these caves, with temperatures sufficient to support life, would be revealed to the public before the artifacts were announced.


Stunningly, this exact announcement was made in the first week of September, by the Australian National University. Take a look:

Anonymous ID: c125f8 Feb. 22, 2018, 10:08 a.m. No.462116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2119 >>2132


CBS’s Adriana Diaz on the Biggest Difference About Reporting From China and From Chicago





Anonymous ID: c125f8 Feb. 22, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.462130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2135 >>2139 >>2161 >>2304


Meet Adriana Diaz. If your child attends a school that still shows Alloy’s Channel One News, then he or she knows Adriana. She gets a lot of face time on the in-school TV show.


She is one of the pretend reporters on the show and she is also a pitch person for advertisers on the show. Doing both jobs gives her the chance to hone her in-front-of-the-camera skills.


If you watch any Channel One show (http:// ) you will see how easy it is to be a Channel One reporter. During the first segment of the show, the anchor ( Jessica Kumari, Steven Lisowski (aka Steve Fabian), or Justin Finch) is surrounded by several “reporters.” The “anchor” says something like, “Adriana, you’ve been covering the troubles in Iraq, what’s new?” Then Ms. Diaz turns to the camera and regurgitates information she read off the AP wire. There may be some CBS News footage during her report. This is just “cut and paste” journalism, if it is any kind of journalism at all. When her report is over, the anchor turns to another “reporter” for another story.


This is pretty weak stuff. Why have Ms. Diaz and the others there at all? The anchor does so little he or she could handle the few news stories on the program. This setup however gives the appearance of real reporters who have just flown in from across the country with breaking news. The truth is these “reporters” rarely get out of the studio to cover anything of importance. Channel One just doesn’t have the money to send reporters around the world anymore. They don’t even have the money to cover hard news stories in the U.S. Instead these wannabe reporters read what other reporters have reported on. However, they do cover some human interest stories. These are a lot cheaper to produce than news stories.


Ms. Diaz has become recognizable to young people. She comes across as a real reporter, especially to younger middle school students. She then trades on the trust she has created with her captive audience, when she helps sell kids on new music groups that are paying Channel One to get their music in front of this captive audience of schoolchildren.


Here is Ms. Diaz doing an interview with a member of Five Times August. Adrenaline Records is using Channel One News to promote this new act. Channel One has played this their music over and over again during their school time TV show. But that isn’t enough. Channel One uses its “reporters” to plug the group and their latest CD. This is disgusting. No real journalist, even a novice one, would use their credibility to hawk products to children.

Anonymous ID: c125f8 Feb. 22, 2018, 10:12 a.m. No.462147   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Adriana Diaz on the December 17, 2010 Channel One News program. Up to six million students are compelled to watch Ms. Diaz by force of Channel One's onerous contract.

What Channel One shows parents is not what students see in their classroom. Channel One does not allow the public to see two minutes of their 12-minute daily program.


Channel One News removes both commercial breaks from their web rebroadcast of the show. This leaves parents and the rest of the public in the dark concerning what is being advertised to students in their classrooms.


This show is 12 minutes and 25 seconds long. Channel One News is fudging over their strict 12-minute limit as they often do. That extra 25 seconds might not seem like much but multiply it by 6,000,000 students (Channel One’s audience claim). That extra 25 seconds = 41,000 student hours stolen from American secondary schools in addition to the waste of the other 12 minutes. The cost of this December 17, 2010 show? 12:25 X 6,000,000 = over 1,200,000 students hours lost to Channel One’s hyper-commercial show.

Anonymous ID: c125f8 Feb. 22, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.462156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2165

Before hosting "Trending Now" on Yahoo! News, Adriana reported at Channel One News, a daily news program partnered with CBS News that broadcasts in schools across the country, reaching 6 million viewers. At Channel One, Adriana wrote, shot and edited her own stories, including coverage of the earthquake in Haiti and the Chilean miners' rescue. You can see more of Adriana's reporting here.


As a Dominican-American, Adriana has always loved learning about different cultures. She speaks three foreign languages (Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and French, in case you're curious!), and she is a former Miss New York USA. Before joining Channel One, Adriana worked on Wall Street at Goldman Sachs and interned at CNN's Beijing Bureau. She earned a Master's from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs and L'Institut d'Études Politiques in Paris (a.k.a. Sciences Po), and she studied International Relations and Chinese as an undergraduate at Princeton University. She has dreamed of helping inform people about current events since she watched the attacks of September 11th from her social studies classroom window at Stuyvesant High School in New York City.


You can reach Adriana at or follow her on Twitter @AdrianaTweeting or find her on Facebook.



Anonymous ID: c125f8 Feb. 22, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.462206   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you're welcome anon. I just needed someone to point me in a direction and I went with it. Think I provided some valuable research on her.

Anonymous ID: c125f8 Feb. 22, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.462256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wonder what the other members of Pussy Riot have to say? Went to Moscow and interviewed them in their secret meeting place. Look out for the story on your local CBS News.

Anonymous ID: c125f8 Feb. 22, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.462266   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Picked up a young apprentice in a Rio favela. She was shuffling around while we interviewed her aunt. So we found a way to keep her entertained… and off her feet — with Adriana Diaz and Cutest Ever.

Anonymous ID: c125f8 Feb. 22, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.462403   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Holy fck. Never knew this was Adam Schiff and I saw this picture a shit ton in CBTS


Just gets worse and worse

Anonymous ID: c125f8 Feb. 22, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.462525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2537

When did we lose our innocence? When did we start thinking about the world turning around us, just saying "I"? Forget "we"? "This is my life, this is my house, my car, my book, my film!" Will the countdown end with the beautiful reader?



Anonymous ID: c125f8 Feb. 22, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.462708   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yeah, I'm digging and putting out relevant information. didn't know there was a post limit. jackass. so thanks. filter me if you want. im not stopping.