Anonymous ID: daec25 Jan. 5, 2019, 8:32 p.m. No.4621585   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The 6 O'clock subdial on the watch is the seconds counter for the watch at 20 seconds before 3:15.

However, it also points at the big 7 on the watch.

2 days ahead of schedule on Jan 5th crumb means the schedule is the 7th.

The old Q crumb about when the SHTF, POTUS would be out of the country or on AF1 or insulated or some shit like that. If it said Out of the Country, that could maybe mean Out Country like out in the countryside like at Camp Dave. Not sure if POTUS is staying in camp David beyond Sunday meeting. Maybe he staying over till Monday the 7th.

Anonymous ID: daec25 Jan. 5, 2019, 9:13 p.m. No.4622080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Well that's it. You've really done it now. Q just called and told me he's not coming back. He's too embarrassed. He can't believe you FUCKING CLOWNS spent the whole day debating what time the FUCKING WATCH SAYS. It should have taken 20 seconds to confirm beyond a reasonable doubt that the watch reads THREE: FOURTEEN: FUCKING FORTY! And then some know-it-all asshole just wrote up a snotnose post at around 12:32 saying it's 3:14 AND ZERO FUCKING SECONDS! Maybe it needs to be a GLOBAL FUCKING NOTABLE stating:

WATCH DIAL READS 3:14:40 AKA 15:14:40

Hopefully he'll change his mind and come back tomorrow.