Anonymous ID: 79617b Jan. 5, 2019, 10:42 p.m. No.4623056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3133

More soft disclosure??


'I like the way your breasts feel against my chest': Disturbing video of Drake kissing and stroking 17-year-old girl on stage at 2010 concert resurfaces after R. Kelly docu-series sparks debate about inappropriate conduct by entertainers


The video from a 2010 concert in Colorado was posted to Twitter on Thursday

Drake, who was 23 at the time, can be seen dancing with a fan before turning her around and standing directly behind her as he caresses her neck and back

The rapper drapes his arms across her chest and appears to rest them on her breasts as the girl stands straight upright with her arms firmly at her sides

The crowd is cheering uproariously throughout the entire interaction

Drake asks her age and she says: '17', causing him to cry out with disappointment

The rapper exclaims: 'I can’t go to jail yet, man! Why do you look like that?!'

He adds: 'Look, I had fun. I don’t know whether I should feel guilty or not, but I had fun. I like the way your breasts feel against my chest. I just want to thank you'

Drake says goodbye with a kiss on the hand, both cheeks, forehead and mouth

Thousands of Twitter users responded to the video with disgust, speculating that the rapper's 'inappropriate' conduct may have even been illegal

The age of consent in Colorado is 17 and the girl did not appear to resist

Anonymous ID: 79617b Jan. 5, 2019, 10:49 p.m. No.4623124   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former US Defence Secretary Harold Brown Dies at 91 - Reports


Harold Brown, who served as US defence secretary under President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981, has died at the age of 91, The New York Times reported.


The New York Times reported citing Brown's daughter that he had died from pancreatic cancer at his home in Rancho Santa Fe, California.


Brown was a nuclear physicist who led US efforts to modernise its defence system with weapons that included cruise missiles, stealth aircraft, and other weapons programs.


In the 1970s, Brown had been a delegate to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks involving the United States and the Soviet Union.

Anonymous ID: 79617b Jan. 5, 2019, 10:53 p.m. No.4623173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3185 >>3194 >>3203



Rashida Tlaib Misrepresented Soros Stipend in Financial Disclosures


Congresswoman-elect did not disclose name of source and wrote a lesser amount than given


Congresswoman-elect Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) did not disclose the name of the source of funds for a fellowship that was paid by liberal billionaire George Soros—as required by the House ethics committee—and also disclosed a lesser amount than she received, according to a review of tax and financial disclosure forms.


The Washington Free Beacon obtained the most recent copies of tax forms for a number of Soros's organizations, including the Open Society Institute, the legal name for the Open Society Foundations, the entity in which Soros pushes millions in funding to a number of liberal causes and organizations.


An expenditure of $85,307 to Rashida Tlaib in Detroit, Mich., from 2017 is shown on page 97 of the 321-page report to "to increase involvement of disenfranchised urban communities of color with their local governance process by creating a community benefits strategy for equitable development and creating a leadership training for impacted residents focused on negotiation skills and identifying leverage at the local level."


Tlaib did not report any income in the amount of $85,307 on financial disclosure forms submitted as she was running for office, which identified the names of the sources that provided her income in three of four cases. Tlaib received compensation from the Maurice & Jane Sugar Law Center, Wayne State University, and Metro Solutions, the forms show.


However, the fourth reported source of earned income is marked as a "Leadership in Government Fellowship," but does not identify who provided the payment.


A press release from 2016 shows that Tlaib was chosen for a "leadership in government" fellowship by Soros's Open Society Foundations along with seven other individuals.


"The eight fellows, chosen from the senior ranks of federal, state, and local government, will work on a wide variety of issue areas: devising new ways to bring criminal justice reform to local prosecutors' offices; developing new strategies for helping school children exposed to trauma; improving life outcomes for low-wage workers, immigrants, and boys and men of color; and closing the digital divide, and more," the release reads.


A spokesman for Soros's Open Society Foundations said Tlaib's fellowship was terminated earlier this year when she informed the group she would be running for Congress..

Anonymous ID: 79617b Jan. 5, 2019, 10:59 p.m. No.4623227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3315 >>3540 >>3621

Argentine bishop at Holy See financial office investigated for sex abuse


Vatican City, Jan 4, 2019 / 10:40 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Bishop Gustavo Oscar Zanchetta, an Argentine native appointed to the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See in 2017, was accused last autumn of sexual abuse, the Holy See announced Friday.


Bishop Zanchetta had resigned as Bishop of Orán Aug. 1, 2017, slightly more than four years after his appointment there.


Alessandro Gisotti, interim Holy See press officer, said Jan. 4 that “at the time of his resignation there had been against [Bishop Zanchetta] accusations of authoritarianism, but there had been against him no accusation of sexual abuse … the accusations of sexual abuse date to this autumn.”


Bishop Zanchetta, 54, was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Quilmes in 1991. He remained there until his 2013 appointment by Pope Francis as Bishop of Orán.


Gisotti noted that the bishop was not removed from Orán, but that he himself chose to resign, saying the decision was “linked to his difficulty in managing relations with the diocesan clergy and in very tense relations with the priests of the diocese,” and that he had “an incapacity to govern the clergy.”


In announcing his resignation, Bishop Zanchetta had cited “a problem of health”.


Between his resignation and his appointment to APSA nearly four months later, Bishop Zanchetta spent some time in Spain, Gisotti reported.


“After the period in Spain, in consideration of his capacity for administrative management, he was nominated as assessor of APSA.”


APSA manages the Holy See's assets and real estate holdings.


Gisotti also noted that when the bishop was appointed to APSA, the accusations of sexual abuse had not yet come to light.


“On the basis of these accusations and of the news which recently emerged in the media, the Bishop of Orán has already collected some testimonies, which have yet to arrive to the Congregation for Bishops. If the elements needed to proceed are confirmed, the case will be referred to the special commission for bishops.”


The accusations of abuse against the bishop have apparently been levied by priests and seminarians.


While the investigation is ongoing, Gisotti stated, Bishop Zanchetta will not be working in his capacity as assessor.

Anonymous ID: 79617b Jan. 5, 2019, 11:04 p.m. No.4623264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3315 >>3540 >>3621

Russian-Japanese peace treaty will be beneficial for US - Japan’s PM


TOKYO, January 6. /TASS/. The signing of a peace treaty between Japan and Russia will have a positive impact on the security of the Asia-Pacific region and will also be beneficial for Washington, which signed a security treaty with Tokyo, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told the NHK TV Channel on Sunday.


When asked to comment on how the mutual obligations of Tokyo and Washington influence the Russian-Japanese peace treaty negotiations Abe said:


"The Japan-US Security Treaty is the basis of international security guarantees for Japan. The conclusion of a peace treaty between Japan and Russia will have a positive impact on regional stability. I think this will be an advantage for the United States."


"That is a reality now that Russians live on the four islands (Southern Kuril Islands - TASS). The territorial problem cannot be solved until the Russians residing on the four islands agree with the transfer of ownership (of this or that part of the Kuril Islands to Japan - TASS). Therefore, our approach implies reaching an understanding on this issue by the people of the two countries," Abe stressed.


The Japanese Prime Minister also noted that Foreign Ministers of Japan and Russia Taro Kono and Sergey Lavrov will hold talks in Moscow on January 14. He added that after these talks he will go to Russia to meet with President Vladimir Putin.


At the meeting in Singapore on November 14, 2018, Putin and Abe agreed to intensify Russian-Japanese talks on concluding a peace treaty based on the Joint Declaration signed on October 19, 1956 on ceasing the state of war. The two countries resumed diplomatic and other relations, but no peace treaty has been signed so far.


Under Article 9 of the declaration, the Soviet Union agreed to hand over Shikotan and Habomai as a gesture of good will after the peace treaty is ultimately signed. The declaration was ratified by the two countries’ parliaments on December 8, 1956.


However in response to Japan’s signing a security treaty with the United States in 1960, the Soviet Union revoked its liabilities concerning the transfer of the islands. The Soviet government said back then that the islands would be handed over to Japan only when all foreign forces were withdrawn from its territory.