Anonymous ID: 6e70f9 Jan. 6, 2019, 6:07 a.m. No.4625575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5589 >>5803

FBI won’t run honest investigation of Hillary Clinton crimes, but is tripping over itself to investigate the theft of files that might expose the truth about 9/11


An underground hacking collective known as “The Dark Overlord” reportedly announced on New Year’s Eve that it now has in its possession 18,000 documents related to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks – critical information that, because it could potentially blow the lid on 9/11 being an inside job, has prompted the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to launch an urgent investigation.


Even as this same corrupt FBI refuses to pursue justice against felonious traitor Hillary Clinton, federal authorities are now actively pursuing these anonymous, would-be whistleblowers, which claim they’ll sell the documents in exchange for Bitcoin.


According to “two people familiar with the matter,” The Dark Overlord group possesses both emails and non-disclosure agreements concerning 9/11 that were sent and received by insurers such as Hiscox and Lloyd’s of London, both of which deny that they suffered a security breach in relation to the theft. Also mentioned as one of the sources of the stolen documents is law firm Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin, now called Husch Blackwell.


The announcement by The Dark Overlord further invites ISIS, al-Qaeda, and various other nation states to “bid” on the documents online, insinuating that whomever offers to pay the most Bitcoin will gain exclusive access to the stolen documents.

Anonymous ID: 6e70f9 Jan. 6, 2019, 6:11 a.m. No.4625600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5656

Iran’s central bank proposes slashing four zeros from falling currency: IRNA


DUBAI (Reuters) – Iran’s central bank has proposed slashing four zeros from the rial, state news agency IRNA reported on Sunday, after the currency plunged in a year marked by an economic crisis fueled by U.S. sanctions.


“A bill to remove four zeros from the national currency was presented to the government by the central bank yesterday and I hope this matter can be concluded as soon as possible,” IRNA quoted central bank governor Abdolnaser Hemmati as saying.


Proposals to remove four zeros from the currency have been floated since 2008, but the idea has gained strength as the rial lost more than 60 percent of its value in 2018 despite a recent recovery engineered by the central bank in defiance of U.S. sanctions.


The currency was trading at about 110,000 rials per U.S. dollar on the unofficial market on Sunday, according to foreign exchange websites.


President Donald Trump reimposed U.S. sanctions on Iran last year after pulling out of world powers’ 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran. Washington has vowed “maximum pressure” on Iran’s economy to force it to accept tougher limits on its nuclear and missile programs. Iran has ruled this out.


Rial weakness disrupted Iran’s foreign trade last year and helped boost annual inflation fourfold to nearly 40 percent in November. The weak currency and galloping inflation have been a complaint of sporadic street protests since late 2017

Anonymous ID: 6e70f9 Jan. 6, 2019, 6:27 a.m. No.4625730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5749 >>5804

Malaysia’s king steps down, cutting short his five-year term | News


Malaysia‘s King Muhammad V resigned on Sunday, the first time a monarch has stepped down from the throne in the country before completing their five-year tenure.


Muhammad V’s resignation took effect immediately, the National Palace said in a statement. It did not give a reason for the 49-year-old royal’s abrupt move.


But there had been a question mark over the reign of the king, who ascended the throne in December 2016, since he took a leave of absence for medical treatment in November.


Malaysia has nine royal households that typically take turns to be king. The selection of the next monarch can be decided by a vote in the Council of Rulers, made up of all nine royal households.


The palace statement said the king was grateful for the opportunity given to him by the Council of Rulers and thanked the prime minister and government.


“His Highness has worked towards fulfilling his responsibilities entrusted to him as the head of state, serving as a pillar of stability, source of justice, the core of unity … for the people,” the palace said.


The resignation comes barely a week after the king resumed his duties after spending two months away on medical leave.

Anonymous ID: 6e70f9 Jan. 6, 2019, 6:30 a.m. No.4625750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5804

1MDB scandal: Malaysia files charges against Goldman Sachs


Goldman Sachs has been under scrutiny for its role in helping raise funds through bond offerings for 1MDB.


Malaysia has said it filed criminal charges against Goldman Sachs and two of the US bank's former employees, in connection with a corruption and money-laundering probe at the state fund 1MDB.


Goldman Sachs has been under scrutiny for its role in helping raise funds through bond offerings for 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), which is the subject of investigations in at least six countries.


Malaysia's Attorney General Tommy Thomas said criminal charges under the country's securities laws were filed on Monday against Goldman Sachs, its former bankers Tim Leissner and Roger Ng, former 1MDB employee Jasmine Loo and financier Jho Low in connection with the bond offerings.


"The charges arise from the commission and abetment of false or misleading statements by all the accused in order to dishonestly misappropriate $2.7 billion from the proceeds of three bonds issued by the subsidiaries of 1MDB, which were arranged and underwritten by Goldman Sachs," Thomas said in a statement.


In an emailed statement, a Goldman Sachs spokesman said "these charges are misdirected" and that the bank continues to cooperate with all authorities in their investigations, Reuters news agency reported.


The bank has consistently denied wrongdoing.

Anonymous ID: 6e70f9 Jan. 6, 2019, 6:36 a.m. No.4625820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5834 >>5903 >>5945

France: ‘Yellow vest’ protesters storm ministry in Paris | News


“Yellow vest” protesters clashed with police in several French cities, smashing their way into a government ministry in Paris with a forklift.


Benjamin Griveaux – a government spokesman evacuated from his ministry in central Paris on Saturday when a handful of protesters in high-visibility vests smashed down the large wooden door to the ministry compound – denounced the break-in as an “unacceptable attack on the Republic”.


“Some yellow vest protesters and other people dressed in black … got hold of a construction vehicle which was in the street nearby and smashed open the entrance gate to the ministry,” he told the AFP news agency.


They briefly entered the courtyard where they smashed up two cars, broke some windows and then escaped, Griveaux added, saying police were trying to identify them from security footage.


The Interior Ministry put the number of protesters who took to the streets across France at 50,000, compared with 32,000 on December 29 when the movement appeared to be weakening after holding a series of weekly Saturday protests since mid-November.


French President Emmanuel Macron did not specifically refer to the forklift incident, but tweeted his condemnation of the “extreme violence” against “the Republic, its guardians, its representatives and its symbols”.

Anonymous ID: 6e70f9 Jan. 6, 2019, 6:40 a.m. No.4625867   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Exactly .. shame that it seems people think if it doesn't involve the CF , Hillary , Obama or the FBI traitors that it isn't newsworthy. a lot is going on World Wide

Anonymous ID: 6e70f9 Jan. 6, 2019, 6:45 a.m. No.4625928   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with the issues and subjects we choose to deal with."

~ Richard M. Cohen

(1948-) American journalist, television producer, and author. Former senior producer for CBS News and CNN