Anonymous ID: b32cf0 Jan. 6, 2019, 6:18 a.m. No.4625660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5703 >>5757 >>5781 >>5866

Just came here to post my dream I had this morning.


I was being chased by random gangsters and I ran into my house and went to my room. Some military commando came out of my closet and at the time I thought it was one of the gangsters. The commando explained to me that he's one of the good guys and said that if I didn't head out with him I'd likely be a goner.


So, I rolled with the commando. We went into a underground passageway that had mountain runoff going through. Seemed like something you'd see that was built around WW2. When we got to a certain stretch of the passage more commandos met up with us. They welcomed me. Finally we get to the "command post" which had a few servers and some LCD panels hooked up in it. They had all my 4chinz/8chinz posts up on the screens and they we're applauding my anti-shilling efforts. It was like finally being home or something. They informed me I wouldn't be seeing my family for awhile and that they would ensure to let my family know I was still alive - but wouldn't be around for awhile. They debriefed me on what this particular groups goals and motivations we're and that they we're essentially the resistance to the "deep state" and that they we're indeed in fact connected to Q.


Now I found this dream to be quite interesting because I've been no short of absolutely fucking furious with Q and basically all but ceased posting here considering the 2018 will be glorious fail, the fact the headlines are continuously nothing but Demonrat traitors cucking the duly elected President of the United States of America - but the strangest thing was…


I never have good dreams. Ever. They are all terrible, frightening and generally bad. Quite vivid to. This was a great dream. I woke up with a smile and wished the dream hadn't ended. Was very very strange. I'm sure we all wish something like this would happen.


Strange stuff. Glad to see Epstein's Island is burning to the ground again as well. Anyways…. Just came here to post that for everyone.


Remember even those of us who are as critical as possible of Q and the plan - there's nothing more that we want than for it all to be true.


Best regards, anons. And happy shitposting.