Anonymous ID: f44289 Jan. 6, 2019, 6:47 a.m. No.4625953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5969


Well Freddy, you have finally convinced me.

I’m no longer a Trump supporter, and I’m going to change my voter registration to democrat, and i’m going to burn all my MAGA gear and NRA card. These past two years were a total waste of my time. Unwavering support of Trump and following Q is all done. I will forever stop posting and researching everything here and go back to the normie world and consume the MSM propaganda. Time to get an instagram, twitter, and FB account. I’m going to follow ALL the stars and start calling people who think differently than me nazis. I can’t wait

to knit my own pussy hat, and die my hair purple. Antifa seems like such a warm and welcoming group, maybe i should attend one of their rallies, although i would really prefer to not wear my moms panties on my face, but hey when in Rome. From here on out, i’m going to vote democrat and help accelerate the destruction of the US constitution. I want to give all my hard earned money to people who will hate me for my skin color. Maybe I can be cool and accepted if I identify as xyr, because that is totally unique and different than everyone else and diversity is strength except in thought where i can be praised by the media for violently attacking others who don’t abide by group thought.


Good job freddy. You did it. Totally won me over with your unending caps locked red text and unwavering shit posting. You should be proud and ask for a raise. And then kys preferably with a red scarf doorknob combo.