Mortimer Zuckerman is an interesting character. I'm not a meme anon, I need some help here guys. NY Daily News owner (Trump haters), frmr CEO of Boston Properties (largest in world), Clinton donor, 100 million to sloan-kettering, 200 million into mental health (havent dug yet).
Mortimer Zuckerman is an interesting character. I'm not a meme anon, I need some help here guys. NY Daily News owner (Trump haters), frmr CEO of Boston Properties (largest in world), Clinton donor, 100 million to sloan-kettering, 200 million into mental health (havent dug yet).
On July 12, 2010, Zuckerman said in an interview that he had helped to write one of President Barack Obama's political speeches.[12] Long-time Obama speechwriters Jon Favreau and Ben Rhodes disputed that and asserted that neither "has ever met or spoken to Mort Zuckerman."[13] Zuckerman later published a clarification of his remarks by stating that his help had come in the form of private conversations with various political officials in which he had offered advice and perspective on different issues.[14] -wrote speech for Obama and told to STFU? -His newspaper
what he does with his money:
I also believe Scalia was murdered. I hope there is justice if that is the case.