So I've red-pilled a couple buddies of mine recently. Some of whom have been following Alex Jones for a while and thought they knew all about what was going on. When I introduced them to Q, they told me Q was fake because Alex Jones said so and Alex Jones knows what he's talking about because he's been doing this for years… [face-palm]. Just imagine the conversation that followed… But they sent me these links from infowars. Have any of you anons seen these? Infowars is spewing all kinds of BS about Q. They also showed me a Comedy Central clip where that Sathers guy was making us all look like idiots. Kind of depressing, I watched him for a while. Makes me wonder about the legitimacy of Above Majestic now.
How do I convince my buddies what's real and what's not when there is so many conflicting stories out there now. Outside of Q and this board, who do you guys follow on YT or wherever for good info?
Fuck the shills. Seriously.