Anonymous ID: 436300 Jan. 6, 2019, 12:38 p.m. No.4630908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0942 >>0987 >>1092 >>1113 >>1352

Police in Netherlands Caught on Video Arresting Young Mother with Baby Stroller for Not Removing Yellow Protest Vest


The EU establishment is cracking down on the anti-globalist protesters.


Shocking Video of police brutality was captured this weekend in The #Netherlands of a young woman being arrested with a baby carriage. The young mother was taken away by police because she was wearing a Yellow Vest, and did not want to take it off.



The baby was left on the street as the mother was dragged away.

Anonymous ID: 436300 Jan. 6, 2019, 12:46 p.m. No.4631065   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in Midst of Shutdown, is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government from Boycotts


As the first bill introduced by the 2019 Senate session, S.1 is deals with a number of foreign policy issues, but one of them is a section designed to strengthen state laws that punish companies and individuals who engage in or support boycotts against Israel. 26 states have such laws on their books, and 13 more have bills pending. Two federal courts have already ruled parts of these laws to be unconstitutional on First Amendment grounds.


From ACLU Senior Legislative Counsel Kathleen Ruane:


In the midst of a partial government shutdown, Democratic and Republican senators have decided that one of their first orders of business next week should be to sneak through a bill that would weaken Americans’ First Amendment protections. The bill, Combatting BDS Act, encourages states to adopt the very same anti-boycott laws that two federal courts blocked on First Amendment grounds. The legislation, like the unconstitutional state anti-boycott laws it condones, sends a message to Americans that they will be penalized if they dare to disagree with their government. We therefore urge senators to vote no on the Combatting BDS Act next week.

Anonymous ID: 436300 Jan. 6, 2019, 12:57 p.m. No.4631282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1303 >>1346

EXPOSED: Anti-Brexit March One Third the Size Organisers Claimed


The anti-Brexit People’s Vote march was just one-third of the size organisers claimed, it has been revealed.


The group, which pushes for a second referendum, claimed that 700,000 people marched on London on October 20th, 2018, but Scotland Yard confirmed to The Telegraph that the estimate is closer to 250,000.


“The Greater London Authority (GLA) has included an estimated attendance figure of 250,000 in a debrief document,” Scotland Yard said in a statement to the conservative newspaper following a Freedom of Information request.


“Please note this is not a Metropolitan Police Service estimate as we have not recorded an estimated attendance figure for the march,” the police force added.


The People’s Vote, launched in April 2018 by Remainer MPs Chuka Umunna (Labour), Anna Soubry (Conservative), and Caroline Lucas (Green), is supported by many of the key players in the Tony Blair-backed Remain continuity campaign Open Britain and pushed for a “public vote” on the final Brexit deal — i.e., a second referendum.


Labour’s London mayor Sadiq Khan, who spoke at the march and hailed it a “historic moment in our democracy,” oversees the GLA.


The People’s Vote claims its wildly inaccurate estimations were “based on intelligence from both volunteers and professional stewards.”

Anonymous ID: 436300 Jan. 6, 2019, 12:59 p.m. No.4631328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1374

Romania takes over EU Presidency during turbulent times


On Tuesday 1 January Romania took over the EU presidency succeeding Austria. The usual rotation takes place at a turbulent time for the bloc with Jean-Claude Juncker having just claimed he doesn’t have confidence in their ability to do it.


Whilst Romania has typically been one of the EU’s consistently europhile countries, their left-wing government has been changing to sound more nationalistic like nearby Hungary and Poland, becoming more populist by the day.


Brussels has been in dispute with Bucharest over a number of things including disputes over controversial reforms that critics say undermine the rule of law and are “unfair” as Liviu Dragnea the head of the Social Democrats (PSD) has said. He has claimed Brussels is denying Bucharest the “right to hold its own opinions”.


Juncker, in the midst of his own controversy over private flights, stated to Die Welt on 29 December that even if Romania was “technically well prepared” for the presidency, the “Bucharest government has not fully understood what it means to preside over the countries of the EU”.


The EU presidency “requires a willingness to listen to others and a willingness to put one’s own concerns in the background. I have some doubts about this”, he said.


Romania’s first time as EU president comes at a time the Union faces some challenging issues, with Brexit, the EU parliamentary elections and the budget.

Anonymous ID: 436300 Jan. 6, 2019, 1:02 p.m. No.4631376   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Remains of 34 Christians Slaughtered by Islamic State Found in Mass Grave in Libya


Libyan authorities have announced the discovery of a mass grave containing the remains of 34 Ethiopian Christians killed in 2015 by jihadists of the Islamic State.


The Department of Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of the Interior said this week that the mass grave was found not far from the coastal town of Sirte, in an area that in 2015 was under the control of the armed jihadist group.


In April 2015, the Islamic State released a video showing jihadists beheading 15 men on the beaches of Libya’s Barka Province and another 15 men in the desert in the southern Fazzan province.


The terrorist group claimed the men were “worshippers of the cross belonging to the hostile Ethiopian Church.”


Most of the 30-minute video was a denunciation of Christianity, principally the Catholic Church. It showcased militants destroying Christian churches, altars, and art. Near the end of the video, militants are shown marching the victims to their death. The speaker, dressed in black, vows to kill any Christian who does not convert to Islam.


“To the nation of the cross we are now back again,” exclaimed one masked fighter with an American accent.


The Ethiopian Orthodox Church was legally bound to the Coptic Patriarchate of Alexandria in Egypt until 1959, when it was recognized as Autocephalic (self-ruling) church by Coptic Patriarch Cyril VI. In recent years, the Coptic Church has been the target of attacks by Islamic State militants, in part because they identify it as close to the Egyptian government led by President Abdel Fattah al Sisi.


In February 2015, just two months before the slaughter of the Ethiopian Christians, 21 Coptic Egyptians were massacred by Islamic State jihadists on a Libyan beach not far from Sirte.


The remains of the Egyptian Christians beheaded in Libya were identified at the end of September 2017 in a mass grave on the Libyan coast, not far from the town of Sirte. Their bodies were discovered with their hands still tied behind their backs, dressed in the same orange jumpsuits that their executioners had made them wear.


Not long after the Islamic State execution of the 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya, the Coptic Orthodox Church announced that they would be commemorated in its church calendar as martyrs and saints.


Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II said that the names of the 21 martyrs beheaded by ISIS on February 14 would be inserted into the Coptic Synaxarium, the Oriental Church’s official list of Martyrs, a procedure similar to canonization in the Latin Church.


Libyan authorities said this week that the mortal remains of the Christians will be repatriated to Ethiopia, once the due national and international legal procedures have been complied with.