Anonymous ID: b0fc31 Jan. 6, 2019, 1:12 p.m. No.4631492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1501 >>1504 >>1524 >>1571 >>1632 >>1746 >>2023

Well it's official. Q can't change the system from the inside; it's up to us, We The People, to do so. Keep playing the Game and you'll never experience freedom. If we all just simply stopped everything for 1 month, 2 months, then maybe they'd think we're serious. But why change the status quo? You all still keep ordering from Amazon, using their media, watching their broadcasts, buying fuel every day, going to work like good slaves, etc. etc. So why would they change? Q steadily releasing normie tier drops now, aka the system/game>ZOG/MARX. I believe you all enjoy being slaves, maybe subconsciously, but nonetheless you enjoy it.

Anonymous ID: b0fc31 Jan. 6, 2019, 1:20 p.m. No.4631629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1660 >>1662 >>1931


Not suggesting a yellow vest movement. Simply the People saying enough is enough.


Now you've asked the right question. Now you understand that no matter what, they Rule over us. Imagine all the land the government claimed, thats being unused or used for "testing grounds", if it were to be made open for habitation again. How many acres did Obama grab up right before leaving office? Massive regulations and oversight keep us figuratively locked in cages in essence of how we can actually provide for ourselves & family without playing their rigged game.

Anonymous ID: b0fc31 Jan. 6, 2019, 1:28 p.m. No.4631746   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fuck Brennan, kek. That's what I mean though..all the 3 letter agencies with WAY moar oversight than they deserve. Who made them gods? Why are they allowed to spy on all of us? But we can't know shit about them. While they fly on their million dollar planes and live in their multi-million dollar mansions. Kek..they give some people moar shekels than others and convince you all that it's obtainable. The current system cannot survive without poor people yet everyone wants claim the high road and blame it on the poor people, rather than the society and situations they were born in.


1 person can only do so much when it comes to taking down the entire establishment. The entire corrupt establishment. Courts, laws, agencies, organizations, corporations, etc. I pirate nearly all my shit and shop locally..that's moar than most do.

Anonymous ID: b0fc31 Jan. 6, 2019, 1:41 p.m. No.4632019   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If that starts happening then maybe I'll give a little moar credence to this like I used to when we were getting all the illuminati drops. I'm beginning to think Q only did that to pull in moar people for this Movie and highlight the dark side; there's the whole other side(Zion/ZOG) that he hasn't even touched on. So I'll wait on Movie 3. Meanwhile, people could still be doing their part by not playing.

Can't beat homegrown/home made food. Infinitely better than all the processed and filled with preservative foods. Notice how burgers at fast food joints are a buck while a salad is like $7? Kek.