Anonymous ID: 248425 Jan. 6, 2019, 1:52 p.m. No.4632191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2220 >>2230 >>2248

Is the book of Revelations a Cabal deception to usher in the anti-Christ with the help of devout Christians who believe allowing (((them))) to do so enables the second coming?


The Book of Revelation Is Deception of Enormous Proportion




The Revelation of John Fails an Examination for Canonicity

For all intents and purposes this revelation of the Revelation of John could be considered a refutation of the pre-tribulation rapture position since most all of the pre-tribulation idea is derived from the letter to the sixth church in the book of Revelation — that of Philadelphia — and also seems to be implied by saints being in heaven in both chapters four and five of the book before its judgments fall on the world. This refutation, though somewhat academic in nature, is necessary to the building of the case against current eschatological teaching trends by conservative Evangelicals. In this section I intend to substantiate the position that the New Testament book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ is not worthy of canonical status because it has been historically disputed by those whose native language was Greek, it was not written by an apostle, it is self-contradictory in many places, it is doctrinally incompatible with the rest of the Bible, and it has been wrongly allowed into the canon of scripture by those church officials who were too far removed from the time it was written to be able to discern and determine its true origin.

This revelation has three parts, each disputing the claims of the book of the Revelation: historical evidence, stylometric evidence, and internal evidence. In successfully refuting the claims of the Revelations, with relief it will become suitably plain that we will not all be subject to the totalitarianism of the beast and his mark, as depicted in this so-called “revelation;” for according to the book of Daniel, chapter 11, verses 36 through 45, his oppression is limited to the Middle East. How aptly poetic justice is wielded by God: for the true Messiah/Christ was presented to national Israel and was rejected: a pseudo-messiah/christ will also be presented, and coming in his own name, him they will accept.


After they have killed 2/3 of the worlds population then installed (((their))) NWO then Jesus reincarnate will arrive.

When we look at anything here we use discernment and ask WHO benefits?


So who benefits? The Cabal.


The Apocalypse of John WASN'T in the early BIBLE.





Anonymous ID: 248425 Jan. 6, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.4632389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2443 >>2663



>BVs attempt to get news off this board right after outage, PF fuckery right after power outage,…


Was a huge red flag for me




  • shillbakers one of who threatened me the other week saying "I know your IP" when I called him out.




God has Patriots backs!

Anonymous ID: 248425 Jan. 6, 2019, 2:10 p.m. No.4632456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2486 >>2507 >>2938


She was involved with the Dib family. Middle eastern crime gang


Sydney police raids: Dinner in Dubai leads to major organised crime raids

Anonymous ID: 248425 Jan. 6, 2019, 2:16 p.m. No.4632551   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Eye for an Eye: Brazil’s Bolsonaro Loosens Gun Control to Limit Gun Violence


Between the lowest legal gun ownership rate in the region and extremely large amount of guns among criminals, Brazil is set to become the most indicative example of what happens to a country after loosening gun controls.


Brazil's newly elected right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro is about to loosen gun control legislation in the country, making it easier for civilians with no criminal record to possess a weapon, in an attempt to tackle the country's gun violence epidemic.


Gun violence has become rampant in Brazil recently, with people resorting to bullet-proofing homes and cars, according to a report by MSN News. School-children in poor neighborhoods have reportedly become used to lying on the floor during frequent shootouts, the report says.


Support for looser gun legislation has grown among the population, with wide ranging estimates of 40-51 percent of Brazilians supporting the idea, according to various polls — a significant increase from some 30 percent five years ago.


"No one feels safe any more […] anywhere in Brazil," a 47-year old businessman told MSN. "Everyone has a right to defend themselves."


Bolsonaro, a proponent of fighting violence with violence, has even adopted a signature trigger-finger salute during his presidential campaign.


Current Brazilian law allows people above the age of 25 without a criminal record to apply to buy a gun, leaving it to police to decide whether an applicant deserves a gun. Currently, police more often give a negative answer.


At the moment, Brazil has the lowest gun-ownership rate among Latin American countries, with an estimated eight out of 100 Brazilians possessing a gun, a stark contrast to illegal gun ownership. According to the MSN report, "illegal guns are so plentiful among criminals that drug lords give them away to their gangs."


Most guns used in Brazilian crime were initially sold legally and then stolen. It is a widespread practice to rob a police officer of their sidearm at gunpoint. Many officers have outright sold their guns for easy cash, reporting them stolen afterwards, according to the MSN report.



Anonymous ID: 248425 Jan. 6, 2019, 2:18 p.m. No.4632587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2599 >>2709

Jerry Brown: Ronil Singh’s Death Had ‘Nothing to Do’ with Sanctuary Laws


Outgoing Democrat California Gov. Jerry Brown decided to defend the state’s sanctuary laws in one of his final acts as governor, saying that Cpl. Ronil Singh’s death had “nothing to do” with them.


Brown told KXTV in one of his final interviews as California’s governor that he did not think California’s current “sanctuary state” law shielding illegal aliens from federal immigration authorities, SB 54, would lead to an increase in illegal alien crime.


“No, I don’t think so,” Brown said.


“I think people now are looking to blame somebody because of the terrible things that happened,” he continued. “But it had nothing to do with the law of California.”


Cpl. Singh was allegedly shot to death by an illegal alien on December 26 during a traffic stop to pull over a man suspected of driving under the influence (DUI). The murder suspect, Gustavo Perez Arriaga, is a Mexican national who entered the U.S. illegally.


Brown signed SB 54, which limited state and local law enforcement agencies’ cooperation with federal immigration officials, into law in 2017, and some officials say the 2017 law is to blame for Singh’s death.


Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson said SB 54 kept state law enforcement officials from reporting Arriaga to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials.


Brown claimed that Arriaga had already been arrested multiple times before the sanctuary law went into effect, giving federal immigration authorities ample time to go after the suspected criminal illegal alien.


“In this case, the individual had been arrested and actually convicted twice of driving under the influence and there was a warrant out for his arrest and no one picked him up, and he was arrested and brought in to jail and brought into jail before the sanctuary law was even enacted,” Brown said. “ICE, the immigration people, could have gone out and gotten him. The police or the sheriff could have told the immigration service.”


Brown will end his term as California’s governor Monday morning when Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom will be sworn in at the state capitol.