Anonymous ID: c787bc Jan. 6, 2019, 3:29 p.m. No.4633567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3579


Sloan Kettering = long association with eugenics going back post WWI


Founder of the Sloan Foundation and former CEO of General Motors Corporation, Alfred P. Sloan Jr. helped GM grow from the 1920s through the 1930s, and then assisted Adolf Hitler and the Nazis of World War II with the “machinery” for invading Russia and defeating Poland. Precisely the same way IBM provided key technology to the Nazi war machine, Sloan and GM provided factory technology for building assault vehicles. A eugenicist and hater of blacks and Jews, just like Hitler, this General Motors Chairperson wore the disguise of “philanthropist” – all while across the Atlantic, Hitler claimed to “love” children (so much that he experimented on their brains and killed them). Alfred P. Sloan Jr., ironically died at his very Sloan Memorial Cancer Center in February of 1966. His own facility and medical institution could not save the Nazi collaborator from his massive heart attack. (1) (2)


Another resource is War Against the Weakest -

progressive movement's history of eugenics

Fits right in with RBG

Spoopy place