Anonymous ID: c0e13f Jan. 6, 2019, 5:30 p.m. No.4635793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5872 >>5878 >>5971

Getting hard to be Anon.


Bill Still (both from Jewtube), Katie G as well both recently did smallish hit pieces on anons. Bill Still really did it, 2 videos and they Katie G says she wasnt liking anons and what we were going through. Katie recently conplained about people dropping paying her so she could research. LOST a bunch of respect for both. Second one i feel has become a pytriot.. the first was never on board but liked both of their reporting.


We are literally getting it from all sodes and all we want is the truth to come out. CNN reporter last night called us out, saying we were being viloent because anons were at event letting CNN know they suck.. complained to Sara Sanders who of course denied being or President Trump being for violence.. then asked about “violence” for CNN reporter to recant the violence for.. they were yelling CNN sucks (sad face)


Anons watch who you follow and attacks are intensifying!!