My take on Habberman is she is commenting in the board and anons. She likened the board to spoiled or bad milk and not a wise choice for Q to be here, it is what it seems a lot of people (Still, Katie G, CNN anchor, and others) saying anons wrong choice and board being wrong choice (all saying shit like viloence and racism or “crazy”.. heard that today last night.. hell the whole weekend).
Her saying the intercom is for emergencies only was her saying anons are waisting our time, Q wont talk to us, and the emercencies only is her twist saying Q only communicates when (We/Q/POTUS) are in trouble.
She is bashing us, TRYING to make it look like [DS] is winning and we need to jump from a “stalled train”..
It is what it is. She thinks she is being cute or clever, most cunts think this way.