Pic: No mention of gas chambers (or 6M) in 1956 Encyclopaedia Britanica
How can we forget, we wouldn't want to be stupid antisemitic racist bigots. Thank god we were all taught the Magick number BIG LIE. Perhaps they should create new laws mandating everyone pass a holocaust class before being eligible to get a drivers license, for a small additional fee of course.
Nice compilation graphic anon, saved! …is that what you were doing yesterday?
I was just thinking on doing the same thing day before yesterday. It's hard fitting an overwhelmingly solid case in only 5 small memes. There's slight degradation in text with jpg, but yours is quite legible at a respectable 1.5MB. I bet if it were png it would've been 4MB or higher.
How long do you think the media has been propagandized, we know it was nearly 100% since at least the 1950's. What % do you think it was in 1900?, maybe 25%?, 50%?