Anonymous ID: 2a0f06 Jan. 11, 2019, 11:24 p.m. No.4722100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4698 >>6244 >>5231 >>1733




Yep, get em young and impressionable. Steer them away from Christ and towards all things Satan. Keep the parents busy with the widest variety of Bread and Circuses, so they can live freely in the enslavement rat race of conformity and obedience. They hit the kids from every single angle, at every age, driving them straight into snowflake socialists through Common Core indoctrination and "higher" education.


These damn Jews are force feeding everyone with biggest load of crap ever taken on humanity. They teach us crap and fake history while they teach their kids finance, law and how to fuck over the goy at every opportunity.


Every day I see the latest real news from many sources. I see a few problems and decide to check into them. I seem to always be able to directly connect the problem to kikes pulling the strings. Can't always directly tie them, but 4 out of 5 times anyways. And I bet the one I couldn't prove is a Crypto… or a Jew comped puppet.


Their subversion, deception, hatred, control, ultra-racism and blatant Satanism are so absolutely prevalent, totally pervasive and all encompassing. It's everywhere. It seems to be my past time these days, identifying the evil Jew lurking in the shadows behind all the problems. Like "Where's Waldo". But only now it's "Where's Shlomo", hard to spot but you know he's there somewhere. I never even use to notice any of it. Now I can't help but noticing it.


I looked into the American University Faculty and it reads like a Bar Mitzvah guest list with hooked noses throughout. I know Harvard's the same and probably almost all others are too, with some rare exceptions here & there. Heck, I went to two Universities for over 5 years and only learned a small fraction of what I've learned by myself in just 4 months (albeit, of shock research). Now, 11 months in, I research for curiosity and find it more entertaining than what's offered as entertainment.


>If you only knew how bad things really are.

I do know, and I learn even more every day.


Unfortunately, most awake people are still clueless to the scope of the Jew Problem. They know there's a problem and attribute it to everything the "look over there" shills point out. The bloodlines, the bankers, the NWO, the Masons, Jesuits, etc., the only problem is they are all just different cover names for the Jews. The general research is for waking up light. The JQ research is for understanding what you've woken up to.


I really think they're behind all of the problems. All of them. Name me One Single Problem, just one, that the Jews are NOT behind. Go ahead, …I'll wait (but not holding my breath). …still waiting…