that is the shill goal here. one of the shill goals that is. And "you" are the head shill here faggot.
make the q movement look like stormfrin/daily stormer clown ops. All for optics, dismiss the q movement as "trump's antisemitic racists
chase away new lurkers.
make diggers stop at "its the jews", "no need to look deeper, it the jews, we can close qresearch".
No need to look at reformist sjw "jews" vs other jews. No need to mention the fact that trum]s' cabinet, including his daughter are jewish.
"The jews" is the oldest decoy tactic there is. Shills have been using it for ages to hide the ruling families behind the jews. Jews don't worship minerva, egyptian gods and owls.
What about payseur? Saud? The muslim brotherhood? China?
look here [muhjew] dont look here [occult ruling bloodlines]