From the Jeff Rense Radio Program, concernfag brings up many more good facts and valid points on the SOTU. Here's some:
no mention of the real problems Trump ran on pre-POTUS, like the de-pop agenda, big Pharma, vaccine/autism link
continuation of wars for Greater Israel
antisemitism dangers & holocaust lie perpetuated
right vs left paradigm perpetuated
more questionable appointments to key positions
the continuation of [their] narrative…
Have they gotten to Trump? or is he walking on eggshells in a dangerous cabal mine field?
Did they write the "kosher" SOTU for him? Who's actually in control?
Jeff Rense Radio Program live stream is here but it's over now:
They haven't listed the show link on the webpage yet and I'm not a subscriber.
It aired around 1pm EST, Thursday, Feb 07, 2019 - SOTU Response
Worth a listen if you can find it.