>"This is not about religions"
No, it's not about religions, in the sense that's it's not about the religious masses who are inherently good. But it IS about the Judaic corrupted religious leaders of all organized religions that have hijacked the word of God for their own purposes. The innocent masses are the victims being shat on by the corrupted religious leaders who control their thoughts like sheep.
Antisemitism is a misnomer because race is irrelevant. All organized religions, like all Western institutions have been corrupted by the control of Judaism's racist supremacist ideology, which is exactly where the evil lies.
Q, being a major catalyst in the great awakening, can't point out the connection to Judaism because the sleeping brainwashed masses would not hear the message. If Q did point out the underlying Judaic link to evil, he would be ignored like the ultra vilified Dr. David Duke who knows very well of the dark powers that be, and they be Jewish.
The fact that [you] are so concerned about the IDs of people on this anonymous message board, rather than the research info itself, speaks volumes. [You] are the one who is being divisive, and [you] are the one who has hijacked Q's words (repeatedly) for your own Israel-first purposes. By calling anons shills who are sharing factual research, you have IDed yourself as the evil shill with no boundaries.
Your July(s) are no match for the truth, JIDF