In 1221 drop on April 21, 2018, Q mentions how reporters have a new burner phone every week. Then asks how do they pass out the new #'s? Then Q comments that Tweets are very important. Are her Tweets giving out new numbers on those burner phones? Finally, Q questions if she feels safe. Q knows everything!
Comey's second transcript has been released. It is hot! James Comey was denigrated as a leader by FBI agents with nicknames like "cardinal comey" and "drama queen." Meme magic! He surrounded himself with sycophants. Lethal article by diGenova.
Is Huber going to head a federal grand jury investigation that will be public of Comey, Clapper, and Brennan?
Cardinal Comey? as in the Four Satanic Princes of Hell?
The word Cardinal is mentioned in this too….