> Jim Jones and Jonestown was a C_A
that part is true enough
But I think there is FAR more to it
the massacre just being a coverup for ending the operations in S America
The story goes that Jim Jones (whoever he really is/was) went to scout the area already before Guyana became independent from British Guyana (1966). In between there were skirmishes around that independence. I don’t know if Jones’s scouting is true or part of the story, but it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that it was:
A – an inaccessible place
B – a place with logistical support (military airfield, compounds, basic infrastructure)
C – in South America
A and C are related in the sense that think about it; it was just sandwitched (no typo) between a couple of major other psychological operations:
– 9/11 1973 – the staged murder of Allende in Chile and admitted involvement of that freak Kissinger
– 1975 – end of Vietnam War – so a lot of soldiers available for new operations
– Nov 78 – “Jonestown”
– 1979-81 – that other televised staged event (Argo, the horrible propaganda movie by Brat boy Affleck, that won the Oscar for best movie, handed out personally by Mich(a)el(le) Obama/Robinson…!)
– 1980s – Grenada invasion (SE Caribbean, not too far from Guyana)
– 1980s – Nicaragua, again admitted involvement of CIA, also Guatemala was a military dictatorship with -I believe- real mass murders of indigenous people (like you said “unworthy victims”)
– 1980s – Falkland/Malvinas “War” (talking about remote British overseas colonies)
Were people growing crops and raising children there?
If there was a military/mining compound, small farming facilities could have been there. Supply lines were (and are) very difficult in that remote part of South America. See below too.
If so, who were these people and where were they from?
I think mostly local actors/spooks/military and a handful of flown in actors from the US. Pay them 10,000 dollars and they keep quiet, no problems, it’s a fortune in Guyana 1978.
Why did Jim Jones have any interest in this compound and its people?
He was used by the military industrial complex and played his role well is what I take from it. See Malcolm X, a comparable figure. Or Jesse James Robinson (I suspect he is Orpah “Winfrey”‘s half-brother, drafted that idea back at Fakeopedia)
Why did they decide to close it?
Myth creation and no more use (new mining areas?)
Why did they stage a fake mass suicide?
Part of the psychological warfare, weeding out the last remains of “the anti-establishment hippie movement”, prepping for the 1980s.