It's time you knew.
MK Ultra succeeded.
So did (((CLONING))).
And it's actually easy.
Here is how they do it.
Sponsor (living sponsor or recently deceased) donates 8MM strip of skin from abdomen. For example, aborted fetal tissue could be donated shortly after "event" to clone and ultimately create organs for matching blood types. No missing persons. No legal rights.
Concierge preps sponsor's biopsy cells in a special growth medium. This could be done at any number of places. Not high tech other than quality of growth medium.
Healthy female egg is harvested from a young female donor. Donor probably not aware she is donating egg for a clone.
Micro pipette is used to remove the nucleus from the donor's egg. This removes all donor DNA. Not that hard to do.
Sponsor cell including nucleus is inserted directly into donor's enucleated egg. This replaces donor DNA with sponsor DNA.
Electro cell manipulator (ECM) gently fuses sponsor cell within donor egg. This portion requires tech and skill. South Korea is best in the world at this for pets which means NK actually is the best in the world for humans.
Cloned embryo is implanted in a healthy female surrogate. Surrogate is monitored from conception to birth and probably is not aware that she is carrying a clone. Female sponsor could theoretically be the donor and surrogate for her own clone. Marina? Sacrifice yourself? Does that even count?
Clone is born and sponsor must determine whether to groom the clone for organ harvesting or more sinister uses. This phase is incredibly expensive, timely, dangerous and underground. Age gap of clone to sponsor matters. Ideally less than 27 year gap for plastic surgery reasons for public use.