>>4641428 pb
Good post here.
(((They))) don't like guitar rock, that's for sure.
I can argue with you a big on specifics. The last 5 years have seen a big (((cabalization))).
Way too much praise of Top 40 pop by Pitchfork and Stereogum in the last 5 years. Pitchfork and Stereogum are still the 2 top leaders in talking about indie rock, they still do cover indie rock well, but now, they add a whole bunch of praise of terrible Top 40 pop. They both say things like "Coachellas lineup is good" when it has been proven by science that Coachellas lineup is trash.
I think this looks like Fed Gov / CIA doing a type of newly legal propaganda, around 2012?
But it also looks like I Heart Radio alternative radio program directors and music directors are terrible, or, even more likely, the people at the top at the corporate level are terrible.
That's one big problem. Basically, Imagine Dragons sucks. Q, can you do something about Imagine Dragons, make them go away? Also, 21 Pilots can go, and all the other bands that the alt stations owned by I Heart Radio like, but the alt stations not owned by I Heart Radio don't like as much. Lovelytheband can go. Basically, if it's "alternative" but I doesn't have rock guitars, it can go. There are exceptions to this, but that's a good general rule.
Q, go ahead and break up I Heart Radio. It's a Monopoly, Fed Gov sucks, and has for 100 years +. But Sherman is older than that. Start breaking up the monopolies. There are like 6 media giants. That's like 1/10th of what they should be. Break them up. And don't like Disney buy Fox. They've been fucking Trump up the ass, and they want Fed Gov approval of a merger? No fucking way.
Anyway, remove the alternative rock without the rock from the alternative format, and remove those acts from the Top 40 as well.
Top 40 is fucking awful. Add the rock bands to the Top 40 playlist like it was back in the day. In 1980, the #1 song on the Billboard Hot 100, these 3 songs, back to back to back. Queen, Crazy Little Thing Called Love (4 weeks at #1), Pink Floyd Another Brick in the Wall (4 weeks at #1), Blondie Call Me (6 weeks at #1). And 39 years later, people still care. Those acts continue to generate money.
People don't care about today's acts, the Top 40 ones. People will hit a playlist, the songs will play, and the bands will get a half a penny or less per play. But there are so many stupid people who just pay $10 a month to spotify and they don't really know or care what they're listening to, but those penny fractions go to the Top 40 acts that get on a lot of playlists, or to the handful of acts that little kids know and they play the same songs over and over because they're little kids.
Top 40 Pop is garbage, and (((they))) love it. Put the good acts who are on AAA, on Active/Mainstream Rock and Alternative on the Top 40. Put the acts on who who have a demonstrated following live. There are good acts. Acts that play rock, there are good rock songs on the radio. Muse Pressure is a pretty great song. Muse is a great band. There are pretty decent, pretty solid and definitely rock bands on the mainstream/active rock charts. And AAA has some indie favorites. It's not that the bands don't exist, it's not that the majors aren't signing them, and it's not that they're not on the radio, it's that IHeart sucks, basically, Top 40 sucks because of IHeart and Alternative sucks because of IHeart.