This mind control stuff has me extremely bothered anons. Below in the video embedded is an acquaintance of mine. 5 years ago he was a completely normal guy. Suddenly he had psychotic break from reality. The entire time he's been like this he's sworn that he was part of a government mind control program and that they send him remote messaging asking telling him to do bad things. As you can see looking at his first videos from back in the day to the one I linked he has completely lost control. I always thought he was an unfortunate soul that messed with the wrong substance and paid the price, but now thinking back and looking at the things Q has posted on the subject I really don't know what to believe anymore. The sketchiest thing about it is that people I know have called the police and said numerous times they are afraid that he will snap and do something evil, but nothing ever happens. I hadn't had contact with him in a long time, I had moved far away and we didn't keep in touch even though I felt really bad for the guy. about 7 months ago another mutual friend drew my attention to one of his videos. It really concerned so I called and asked the police to do a wellness check on him. I called the police planning to make an anonymous report about my concern. The police insisted I give my name which seemed very strange at the time. I never heard anything else but about a month later he randomly called (first time we spoke in over a year.) me out of the blue and asked that I meet up with him, he was going to be close to my new city. We spoke briefly but I felt like he something was strange about the situation. I never met him and have since changed my number (not due to him) but I always felt like it someone may have been trying to set me up. These people are among us, and they need help. Please don't harass him or anything, he was a good person before whatever it was that set him off.
Here's the kicker, he lives right down the street from the Reagan library. A place that is almost always in appearing in the news.
Is there a list that shows what colleges they operate in? He went to college in somewhere near Monterrey CA. When he came back he was a completely different person, and claimed that the DOD was implanted thoughts and commands into his head. I wanted to believe he was crazy, I honestly believe him now.
oh shit I just realized that my User ID ends in cc, must mean JFK Jr is alive.
Thank you for your service anon, it hasn't come even close to time for violence or riots. POTUS hasn't even had a full term to undo 50 years + of cabal control.
I'd like to not accuse anyone that served of being a shill, but you're making it hard.
Are you saying that Ghandi was smart enough to pull off a peaceful revolution but the USMI isn't?
I'm not trying to make it seem funny if that's what you're saying.
Last one anons, this isn't a joke, here he is claiming that he was forced to investigate ISIS on the internet.
If the MK Ultra is real and they create assassins and terrorists out of regular people he is the perfect subject in the right location. If mind controlled from beginning to end, then it makes sense that they would make him research things online so when he was finally used for whatever they have planned for him the media could say he had pledged allegiance to ISIS.