In fact Cheney is dead.
Because his artificial pump/heart doesn't even give a heartbeat…
Bionic Dick Cheney Technically Has No Pulse
July 19, 2010
Former VP Dick Cheney has gone bionic. During a recent heart surgery, doctors implanted a ventricular assist device to augment Cheney's failing ticker. But it also gives his critics another punchline to work with; because the device moves blood continuously, it doesn't mimic the pulsating rhythm of the heartbeat. Technically speaking, Dick Cheney no longer has a pulse. Insert Darth Vader comparisons here.
He got that donor heart later? I must have missed that…
New Trump tweet.
On the Q-Clock
POTUS 4:56 tweet refers to Crossing of the Delaware
Q post #456
:36 minute marker
Buckle up.
Today is referring to December 24th Q post.
Tomorrow = :37 (vertical mirror of :23 Christmas Day (Dec.25th))
All falls perfectly in place.