Ok, Q-team, IMHO, enough with the detours and secrecy.
I don't give a F@@k about saving MH at the NYT.
I live in a long time red district, but am now represented by a CIA agent loyal to the demoncrats.
What is actually being done to give me back my government? I assume I get put on the D hit list if I contact my "Representative" now, just like dissidents in every dictatorship elsewhere in the world. But, I'm to shush, don't worry, we really did not need or care about the House. Millions of us have been disenfranchised by voter fraud in 2018, but you want to focus the movement's attention on MH? Supposedly, you have all the info on voter fraud and stolen elections. But as usual, its being kept secret. Just more data stored in a government computer server or Apple's Cloud. Restoring "of, by, and for the People" seems to be of secondary importance compared to coaching MH.
You know and have everything, but nothing is being shared with the general population and the most corrupt, USA hating asshats are still acting like they have all the power and influence. Huber and his cast of hundreds is supposedly investigating, but of course, everything is secret. We should just ignore members of the federal bar who say he has no grand jury and is not doing anything about corruption in federal agencies. For those of us outside the "less than 10" it is impossible to tell the difference between "we are in control" and nothing is being done by Huber. 70,000 sealed indictments could be nothing important in each one. Just a massive paper pacifier for the People. Meanwhile, a possibly comped John Roberts gets to skew important cases and protect the unworthy FISA court judges by putting his massive Chief Justice thumb on the scales of justice.
Mueller gets to diddle on for at least another 6 months and keep much of the Plan in pause mode, and then the excuse will be that we can't take any action against any wrongdoers because they are all candidates for public office in 2020. Eric Dubelier is at least one bright light in the Mueller cloaked-in-secrecy charade.
I believe you have it all, I believe you have a wonderful grand Plan. I think you have accomplished tremendous things. But in this country, for millions of us, government "of, by and for the People" is a lot further away than it was 2 years ago. I think the rollout schedule for the Plan has been hijacked by a bunch of nit finding attorneys who will never have enough evidence to give them the guaranteed slam dunks in court they covet and who will always want lots more time to organize their files.
Been with you since 10/17. And my sentiments today are F@@k MH and override the "delay, delay, delay and perpetual secrecy is best" folks on your decision making team. And if that includes POTUS, please let us know, so we can start buying yellow vests. How about giving us Declas instead of another lesson on MKUltra. We got it, MK is effective, widespread, and completely evil. Now, back to Declas, bringing down the House, and shining the light of an informed public on government wrongdoers.