Anonymous ID: 780f8c Jan. 7, 2019, 6:07 a.m. No.4643820   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brian Mancini


WIA, open head wound giving access to the brain


His charity deals with wounded warriors.


Was under close surveillance, which got hostile when burned


Believed they had infiltrated operatives into his charity.


Believed they were on his phone and utilizing tech


Two board members on his Charity have ties to Banner


Jared Lee Loughner grew up a few miles from Banner and reportedly was sent for psychological treatment by his parents


Finally Mancini committed suicide, supposedly


I'm 99% sure this was at least Cabal running his surveillance, but I don't want to impugn anyone innocent, so it might pay to withhold judgements on individuals until Q or somebody on his team either calls this as warm or cold.