TY Baker!!!
Awesome job.
Q posted with prior knowledge that there was going to be a third tweet. Except, when you analyze the time stamps, which could be fucky from Twitter, Q was minutes behind DJT. Q was telling anon "but wait, theres moreโฆ", then there was more, as we discovered.
It really is crazy to see just how quickly disinformation, intentional or otherwise, can move across platforms; especially this one. It can be difficult to keep up! I'm not saying Bale is an innocent dude, hes knee deep in Hollywood, but we have to be careful to not let disinformation taint the message.
Dems make accusations of peoples characters without the evidence to support it. Anons, here, research before taking to Twitter and making complete asses of themselves.
Right, which is why I said produce evidence to support your claim before stirring up anons on a Twitter character assassination frenzy. We dont work on assumptions here. We work in facts. In short:
Dont be a motherfucker that a soons shit
Shills are trying to get anons to go to Twitter and make asses of themselves to give the MSM fodder to say "Thise Q people are calling Bale a Satanist". Just you watch, instead of acknowledging Q, they just engage in character assassination. They'll convince anons to act fools on peoples Twitter accounts, then the MSM gets all the "evidence" they need to make Q folks look insane.