Sure looks like a coded message. Any ideas of what it means?
Its possible they have her in a induced coma too. Body would be warm, but nobody home upstairs. And writing her ruling and opinions for her. They could get a way with that for a period of time. But doesn't she have to be present to hear arguments?
Quite possible. The one thing I noticed is all the CAPS. I am not a decoder and have now idea if that could be a message.
I see that. I was referring to all the CAPS, she used. There is a coded messaged there is my thought.
Not sure what the game is. But I am sure something fishy is going on. When I heard last week that she ruled from a hospital bed. I knew something was wrong. Maybe thew want to pull her out of the freezer during state of the union speech. As a detractor???
EXACTLY!!! That is some funny shit right there!