anon ID: 749b73 Jan. 7, 2019, 12:33 p.m. No.4649365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9408 >>9409 >>9458

Notable please


Place a #Qanon in Your House Window if you Believe in Q! Eventually every window will have a Q. It's time We the ppl be heard!


Q's initial mission was to red pill us to prevent riots. Once enough of us are red pilled the fear of riots will no longer hold Trump back . 2.2 million in 2 minutes tried to sign on 8chan Let the DS minions tremble as they drive down each street. It will be a show of Force.


What: support Q and red pill by placing a patriotic 8x11.5 #Qanon in your front window/every personal email/and post This is a time honored tradition. During WWI and II if you had a service man in the family serving in a combat zone you posted a star in your window. they were white on a blue or red back ground. If you had someone die in combat you placed a gold star. If you had 2 ppl in combat you placed two stars and so on. They were often fabric but ours will be paper obviously. February 1 ish we can add them to our cars so print extra for cars. Vandalism can happen right now, but once they see our numbers they will be too afraid that someone will see to vandalize our cars. They will accept us because there are too many too fight. It will be harder to dismiss us as crazy when they see how many ppl believe.


When: We will all put them up on the same day, January 21st, Martin Luther King Day. They killed MLK to keep the Blacks on the plantation, metaphorically. That is also the week projected out for the declass to possibly happen, Jan 21st, right? So we would be hitting a major turning point of this fight.


Effect: Soon the question will have to be asked. Is Q real Mr. President? Soon riots will not be a worry when they make arrests because everyone will know we stand with the president when he does it.


How: They should be identical so they are easy to recognize and ID. They need to be simple so they can be read from a distance. We are presenting a clear and unmistakable sign that we stand together.


Here's an image search of the ones used for the military. Replace the stars with a navy Blue #QAnon. If you want to, you can also print a cross or WWG1WGA, etc and put it in a separate window or area of a larger window.


If 2.2 mm tried to sign on to 8chan within 2 minutes we will see a lot of signs if we circulate this everywhere.


What do you think? Indicate any concerns or if you will participate here.


Spread it: I have already covered 8chan and the Q posts on Voat GA and QRV. Please indicate here where you can post this elsewhere. We need to reach everyone.

anon ID: 749b73 Jan. 7, 2019, 12:35 p.m. No.4649401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9444 >>9454

Notable please


Place a #Qanon in Your House Window if you Believe in Q! Eventually every window will have a Q. It's time We the ppl be heard!


Q's initial mission was to red pill us to prevent riots. Once enough of us are red pilled the fear of riots will no longer hold Trump back . 2.2 million in 2 minutes tried to sign on 8chan Let the DS minions tremble as they drive down each street. It will be a show of Force.


What: support Q and red pill by placing a patriotic 8x11.5 #Qanon in your front window/every personal email/and postThis is a time honored tradition. During WWI and II if you had a service man in the family serving in a combat zone you posted a star in your window. they were white on a blue or red back ground. If you had someone die in combat you placed a gold star. If you had 2 ppl in combat you placed two stars and so on. They were often fabric but ours will be paper obviously. February 1 ish we can add them to our cars so print extra for cars. Vandalism can happen right now, but once they see our numbers they will be too afraid that someone will see to vandalize our cars. They will accept us because there are too many too fight. It will be harder to dismiss us as crazy when they see how many ppl believe.


When: We will all put them up on the same day, January 21st, Martin Luther King Day. They killed MLK to keep the Blacks on the plantation, metaphorically. That is also the week projected out for the declass to possibly happen, Jan 21st, right? So we would be hitting a major turning point of this fight.


Effect: Soon the question will have to be asked. Is Q real Mr. President? Soon riots will not be a worry when they make arrests because everyone will know we stand with the president when he does it.


How: They should be identical so they are easy to recognize and ID. They need to be simple so they can be read from a distance. We are presenting a clear and unmistakable sign that we stand together.


Here's an image search of the ones used for the military. Replace the stars with a navy Blue #QAnon. If you want to, you can also print a cross or WWG1WGA, etc and put it in a separate window or area of a larger window.


If 2.2 mm tried to sign on to 8chan within 2 minutes we will see a lot of signs if we circulate this everywhere.


What do you think? Indicate any concerns or if you will participate here.


Spread it: I have already covered 8chan and the Q posts on Voat GA and QRV. Please indicate here where you can post this elsewhere. We need to reach everyone.**