Anonymous ID: ec7eff Jan. 7, 2019, 2:04 p.m. No.4650727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0779


for a dark character the 'dark to light' is never something that the public could really know.

how could we?

are you looking for a hero?

I'm afraid KS isn't your guy.

The question is not 'did he' the question is 'did he do it consensual'

even if it's said to be 'consensual' then he'll still have to face lewd and lacivious public sexual behavior, and the young man would too.

Anonymous ID: ec7eff Jan. 7, 2019, 2:27 p.m. No.4651008   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He may well be a white hat. But even if, he made some fairly serious errors and the Commonwealth has an interest in assuring that the public understands that such activity is forbidden in public, after hours piano bars included.

KS made a blunder. No special treatment in these cases for anyone is the message that the prudent prosecutors are conveying. That's rather an egalitarian message. What he did? does it rate a 5 year in jail term? in a crowded room for 4 minutes the young man filmed it on the cellphone . . . if KS gets a day in jail for that I'll be shocked and say 'miscarriage of justice'.


That does not make him any less of an idiot for doing something like that in a public room. Or are after hours piano sing alongs not included and, as it was a private party . . .

I think no. People must have been horrified.


So they'll let it play out.