Anonymous ID: 63f6cd Jan. 7, 2019, 4:53 p.m. No.4653273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3350 >>3357



I have a theory. it gets to Seth Rich at the end.


  1. Trump worked as an undercover agent for decades to get close to

the Clintons, Epstein, etc (hence all the photos) in order to one

day expose their crimes and stop her becoming POTUS.


  1. In 2011 Team Trump (Intel Agencies, NYPD) got Anthony Weiner's

laptop who is arrested over pedo allegations.


  1. Weiners laptop contains child porn and pizza code words which

involves Clinton, Podesta, Politicians, Media people, Hollywood

stars, etc


  1. Around the same time Weinergate explodes Team Trump set up a

media stunt where Trump eats a pizza with a knife and fork and it

gets joked about in the media


  1. Trump gets interviewed about Weinergate and coins the term

"pizzagate" about the light-hearted pizza story that the media

picked up on. In reality Trump was sending a veiled message to

Clinton / Dems that he's seen the contents of Weiners laptop

and knows about the pizza code words they use for kiddy diddling.


  1. Roll forward a few years and Trump is running for POTUS and

working with WikiLeaks to help defeat Clinton. The same source

who cracked the Weiner case (NYPD?) gets the DNC & Podesta emails and hands them to WikiLeaks.


  1. Trump mentions WikiLeaks at every rally in the lead up to

election who release selected emails which creates Pizzagate deeply

damaging Clinton, Podesta, Dems with allegations of pedophilia, etc

A plan Team Trump had way back in 2011.


  1. To provide cover for whoever got Podesta emails (NYPD?) they set

up the fake murder of Seth Rich, a planted agent within the DNC and

make it look as if he was assassinated by the Dems (Podesta)


  1. Out of spite at being duped the Dems put up a bizarre Seth Rich

plaque on the bike rack outside DNC HQ. Seth's family act weird in

interviews (smiling, etc) because they know he's not dead.


the end