Anonymous ID: d56e84 Jan. 7, 2019, 8:02 p.m. No.4656197   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4654488 Report: A Brain Implant Improved Memory pb Notable


Note from Captain Obvious:


If after an implant, the brain does miraculous things, the brain had the capacity PRIOR to the implant!


What's not being said here is that the human brain is capable but memory is being blocked or retarded in some way. Perhaps that should be the research, not support of altering the brain?




Anon tagged this pb, Anon responds:


Séance = science. Been debated here before re: the word and its etymology, from Latin to Greek and beyond.

Science is what they have used to dumb us all down. Have you noticed that one day science tells you covfefe is good and the next day it's bad? Then they say science is 'settled' when it clearly isn't and the basic definition of science is that it NOT be settled but rather ongoing discovery.


Science is one of those buzz words they use to give the sheeple the impression that there are those that have advanced knowledge or superior knowledge (and some do) but mostly science is propaganda!


The séance is just that; a SPELL that puts normie in to believing that science is all-knowing, all superior and that whatever science come sup with, it's true, when clearly it is not.


Science = séance; a deep dream the cabal has hypnotized us with to gain control.


The study of words or whirrds and spell-ing of words. The casting of SPELLS. Yes- it goes that deep. Our very language has been designed to work against us.


[is it Bless you! or B-less you (be less, you)? hould it be under__stand or __inner_stand? there is a difference!]