Anonymous ID: 1803ec Jan. 7, 2019, 9:36 p.m. No.4657456   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4655706 pb

When you have Jesus, you know.

Look back over your life and remember all of the bad thoughts and/or all of the things that you did that were bad. Did you stop those and try to do better? And/or did circumstances take you out of those bad things? Perhaps, this was Jesus trying to communicate with you, but you didn't give Him thought.

Having Jesus means loving mankind.

Having Jesus means that you want everyone to be happy, free, and self sufficient.

Having Jesus means not having bad thoughts about hurting someone without feeling guilty.

Having Jesus means that you have respect for your parents/elders.

Having Jesus means that if you lie you will feel guilt.

Having Jesus means not stealing without feeling guilt.

Having Jesus means that you do not want something that someone else has.

Having Jesus means that you feel saddened by the thought that God, our creator, had to sacrifice His Son in order to save us from evil.


The ole sins of the flesh get me the most. I smoke cigarettes and ask for forgiveness all of the time. Even when I don't eat right, I feel guilt… Jesus' rebuke (anon is correct about rebuke and discipline). Jesus knows the things that are good and bad for you, hence the feeling of good or bad.

The Holy Spirit communicates with us in these ways and many times more than we realize. One has to take the time to think and listen.

This is not magical thinking.

Sometimes when I go out in on beautiful sunny morning, I simply say, "Mornin' God. Mornin' Jesus. Could you please give the evil ones a good pop knot of Holy Spirit today?" I figure most of the prayers are asking Him to fix something; so sometimes, I just ask Him to join me for coffee. I ask Him about things that he likes, such as his favorite colors. He was pretty specific with the Millennial Temple and the Ark, so it would seem that he would have favorite colors, too.

Note that most of our conversation is not spoken out loud, but it's there, none the less.

This is just some ways of knowing that you're in touch with the Holy Spirit.