Anonymous ID: 393886 Jan. 7, 2019, 8:38 p.m. No.4656736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6824 >>6923 >>6974

APA issues first-ever guidelines for practice with men and boys


For the first time ever, APA is releasing guidelines to help psychologists work with men and boys.


At first blush, this may seem unnecessary. For decades, psychology focused on men (particularly white men), to the exclusion of all others. And men still dominate professionally and politically: As of 2018, 95.2 percent of chief operating officers at Fortune 500 companies were men. According to a 2017 analysis by Fortune, in 16 of the top companies, 80 percent of all high-ranking executives were male. Meanwhile, the 115th Congress, which began in 2017, was 81 percent male.


But something is amiss for men as well. Men commit 90 percent of homicides in the United States and represent 77 percent of homicide victims. They’re the demographic group most at risk of being victimized by violent crime. They are 3.5 times more likely than women to die by suicide, and their life expectancy is 4.9 years shorter than women’s. Boys are far more likely to be diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder than girls, and they face harsher punishments in school—especially boys of color.


APA’s new Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Boys and Men strive to recognize and address these problems in boys and men while remaining sensitive to the field’s androcentric past. Thirteen years in the making, they draw on more than 40 years of research showing that traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful and that socializing boys to suppress their emotions causes damage that echoes both inwardly and outwardly.


APA’s Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Girls and Women were issued in 2007 and, like the guidelines for men and boys, aim to help practitioners assist their patients despite social forces that can harm mental health. Many researchers who study femininity also work on masculinity: Several contributors to the guidelines for girls and women have also contributed to the new guidelines for boys and men.


“Though men benefit from patriarchy, they are also impinged upon by patriarchy,” says Ronald F. Levant, EdD, a professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Akron and co-editor of the APA volume “The Psychology of Men and Masculinities.” Levant was APA president in 2005 when the guideline-drafting process began and was instrumental in securing funding and support to get the process started.




CE credits: 1


Learning objectives: After reading this article, CE candidates will be able to:


1 Discuss the research that suggests that aspects of "traditional masculinity" can be psychologically harmful.*

2 Describe the role of clinicians in working to address the needs of men and boys.

3 Discuss the importance of encouraging pro-social aspects of masculinity.



Anonymous ID: 393886 Jan. 7, 2019, 8:41 p.m. No.4656778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6813 >>6905 >>6994 >>7121 >>7314 >>7408

Venezuela Supreme Court Judge Flees To US, Spills Secrets Of Maduro's Hold On Power


The Venezuelan government “has only brought hunger, misery and destruction to the country” as a “failed state” — admitted a Venezuelan Supreme Court justice and longtime government loyalist who is now making headlines by his shocking and unprecedented defection to the United States. “I’ve decided to leave Venezuela to disavow the government of Nicolas Maduro,” the former powerful judge, Christian Zerpa, told reporters. “I believe Maduro does not deserve a second chance because the election he supposedly won was not free and competitive.”


Considering such a powerful and high level former regime loyalist has just safely fled to Florida with his family, could gaping fissures now surface within the Caracas government and begin to grow, resulting in more defections to come?


Zerpa told reporters while speaking from Florida on Sunday that he could no longer stomach Venezuela's highest court being a mere appendage of Maduro's ruling inner circle, complaining that since 2015 only handpicked insider loyalists were appointed to the bench. As Maduro is set to enter his second, six-year term in an oath of office ceremony on Thursday, Zerpa cited that "he didn’t want to play a role legitimizing Maduro’s rule when the Supreme Court swears him in," according to the AP.


“We are in the presence of an autocracy that has condemned to death any opposition to this particular vision of power,” Zerpa told a Miami-based news broadcast. Western leaders and international rights organizations have condemned the latest presidential election, noting important opposition leaders and parties were banned, or in some cases boycotted the election knowing they would be pressured or forced out.


Zerpa's defection has been confirmed by Venezuelan officials and official media , which have started an apparent smear campaign claiming the supreme court justice was facing multiple sexual harassment charges by women he worked with. He now says he's ready to work with US investigators into corruption and human rights inquiries in Venezuela, even after being under sanction by Canada, but not yet by the United States.


In early media statements made after fleeing his home country, Zerpa described abuses ranging from receiving directives from first lady Cilia Flores on how to rule in cases that are politically connected, to finding legal means and creating loopholes in order to block opposition representatives from taking key swing vote seats in Congress.

Anonymous ID: 393886 Jan. 7, 2019, 8:43 p.m. No.4656801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6846 >>6904 >>6905

Liang Withdraws Nomination for Fed Board Seat


Former Federal Reserve economist Nellie Liang said on Jan. 7 she had withdrawn her nomination for a seat on the Fed’s Board of Governors, citing concern over a lengthy Senate confirmation process.


“I have decided to withdraw my name from consideration to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve because the likelihood of a prolonged process could have left me in professional limbo for too long,” Liang said in a statement.


President Donald Trump, who has criticized the central bank for raising interest rates, nominated Liang in September.


Liang, who established the Fed’s Division of Financial Stability in 2010, left the central bank two years ago to join the Brookings Institution think tank.


“We supported her nomination and believe she would have made a good Governor,” White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said in a statement.


As head of the Fed’s increasingly influential financial stability office, she helped develop the policies put in place after the 2008 financial crisis that many Republicans have hoped to lighten.


At the time of the nomination, two White House officials told Reuters that Liang had a strong background on financial and monetary stability, including crisis response, and was considered a good fit for the Fed board.

Anonymous ID: 393886 Jan. 7, 2019, 8:46 p.m. No.4656832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6863 >>6905 >>7121 >>7314 >>7408

Kevin Spacey’s Legal Team Pleads Not Guilty to Groping Young Man at Bar


Kevin Spacey pleaded not guilty on Jan. 7 to groping an 18-year-old busboy in 2016 in the first criminal case brought against the disgraced actor following a string of sexual misconduct allegations that crippled his career.


Spacey’s court appearance came more than a year after former Boston TV anchor Heather Unruh accused the former “House of Cards” star of sexually assaulting her son in a bar on the Massachusetts resort island of Nantucket.


Nantucket District Court Judge Thomas Barrett ordered Spacey to stay away from his accuser and the man’s family. Spacey will not have to appear at his next hearing on March 4, but he must be available by phone, Barrett said.


The judge also ordered Spacey’s accuser and the man’s then-girlfriend to preserve text messages and other data on their cellphones from the day of the alleged assault and six months after. Spacey’s attorney Alan Jackson told the judge they believe the cellphones contain information that is “likely exculpatory” for Spacey.


The actor and his lawyers declined to comment as they left the courthouse amid a crush of reporters. Spacey, wearing a gray suit, navy vest and polka dot tie, didn’t speak during the hearing and his lawyers entered the not-guilty plea on his behalf.


In court documents, Spacey’s lawyers called the accusations “patently false” and noted that prosecutors have no witnesses to the alleged groping. Spacey’s lawyers wrote that the teen lied about his age, “welcomed” drinks bought by Spacey, left the bar with him to smoke a cigarette and gave Spacey his phone number.


“At best, this describes two people engaged in mutual and consensual flirtation, nothing more,” his attorneys wrote.


If convicted of felony indecent assault and battery, the 59-year-old two-time Oscar winner could face as many as five years in prison.


Unruh’s son told police that he wanted to get a picture with the former “House of Cards” star and went over to talk to him after his shift ended at the Club Car, a popular island bar and restaurant, according to court documents. The man said Spacey bought him several drinks and tried to convince him to come home with him before unzipping the man’s pants and groping him for about three minutes.

Anonymous ID: 393886 Jan. 7, 2019, 8:50 p.m. No.4656885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6904 >>6982 >>7479

Lawyers resist speedy deposition of LDS Church president in lawsuit


SALT LAKE CITY — Attorneys for a couple being sued over decades-old accusations of sexual abuse are urging a federal judge to reject a demand for a speedy deposition of the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


In a filing on Friday, attorneys for Brenda and Richard Miles called the motion “aimed at publicity rather than any real litigation need.” They pointed to an interview the plaintiffs’ attorney did with FOX 13 last month about the court filing.


“Plaintiffs recognize their claims of a satanic ritual sex abuse ring in Bountiful in the 1980’s have been long debunked. Plaintiffs apparently perceive value in creating a media spectacle around the fact that Mrs. Miles father, Russell M. Nelson, is the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” wrote attorney Samuel Straight.


Six people, unnamed in court documents, are suing the Miles, accusing them of participating in abuse in a Bountiful LDS Church ward in the 1980s. The Miles — who were originally sued under a pseudonym but chose to disclose their identities — have vigorously denied the accusations. Their attorneys have said the claims are the product of false memories planted by a therapist. The Miles’ attorneys have asked the judge to dismiss the lawsuit.


The Miles’ attorneys have also asked to delay the litigation until the Utah Supreme Court rules in an unrelated case dealing with statutes of limitations in sexual abuse lawsuits. That request prompted the plaintiffs’ attorney, Craig Vernon, to seek “early” depositions of President Nelson and a man who was stake president over that Bountiful ward at the time.

Anonymous ID: 393886 Jan. 7, 2019, 9 p.m. No.4657015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7121 >>7314 >>7352 >>7408

The Creator of GM Potatoes Comes Clean about the Hidden Dangers of this New Frankenfood


Activists and concerned citizens have for years been ringing the alarm bells over genetically modified (GM) foods taking over our food supply.


There are several critical concerns surrounding this issue. We do not yet know what the long-term health effects will be of mass consumption of GM products. We know that they have in some cases been linked to the development of cancer. Production of GM crops requires massive amounts of patented chemical fertilizers, herbicides and seed activators. GM crops contribute to monoculture. GM seeds are patented by seed companies and GM crops are known to migrate between fields, leaving non-GM farmers liable for patent infringements. GM crops represent the corporate takeover of the food supply and will make the entire world dependent on for-profit for survival.


In short, GM crops are an exceptionally bad idea, and now even the main scientist who has developed all GM potatoes is speaking out publicly on the hidden dangers of this new frankenfood.


Having spent 26 years as a genetic engineer in the agricultural industry, he Ex-Director of J.R. Simplot and team leader at Monsanto, Caius Rommens, recently expressed his concerns over GM potatoes in an interview with Sustainable Pulse. He’s developed over 150,000 varieties of GM potatoes, under budgets exceeding $50 million, and can be considered the world’s foremost expert on GM potatoes.


In the interview, Rommens notes that a big factor in his shortsightedness regarding the dangers of GM potatoes is the fact that as a scientist he never left the laboratory in order to really observe how his creations performed in a real agricultural environment. This is a common form of myopia associated with modern science.


Regarding GM potatoes, Rommens expressed his concern over how these products were reviewed and approved by the USDA and the FDA.


It is amazing that the USDA and FDA approved the GM potatoes by only evaluating our own data. How can the regulatory agencies assume there is no bias? When I was at J.R. Simplot, I truly believed that my GM potatoes were perfect, just like a parent believes his or her children are perfect. I was biased and all genetic engineers are biased. It is not just an emotional bias. We need the GM crops to be approved. There is a tremendous amount of pressure to succeed, to justify our existence by developing modifications that create hundreds of millions of dollars in value. We test our GM crops to confirm their safety, not to question their safety.


The regulatory petitions for deregulation are full with meaningless data but hardly include any attempts to reveal the unintended effects. For instance, the petitions describe the insertion site of the transgene, but they don’t mention the numerous random mutations that occurred during the tissue culture manipulations. And the petitions provide data on compounds that are safe and don’t matter, such as the regular amino acids and sugars, but hardly give any measurements on the levels of potential toxins or allergens.

Anonymous ID: 393886 Jan. 7, 2019, 9:15 p.m. No.4657224   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PHOTOS: Top Democrat Donor Ed Buck With His Democrat Pals and His Black Male Prostitutes — 2 Dead Now


Top Democrat donor Ed Buck with: Governor Jerry Brown, Rep. Ted Lieu, In a T-shirt, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Rep. Adam Schiff, and Hillary Clinton.

The body of another young black gay escort was found at the West Hollywood home of Ed Buck, a top Democrat donor and and political activist.


Sheriff’s deputies are investigating after an African-American male was found dead early Monday morning at the Laurel Avenue apartment belonging to one of Hillary Clinton’s donors, Ed Buck.


There will be a rally tonight at the home of Ed Buck to call on LAPD to arrest Buck, according to WEHOVille,


Jasmyne Cannick, a communications and public affairs strategist who has worked with Gemmel Moore’s family, has announced that there will be a rally at 7 p.m. tonight at 1234 Laurel Ave., the home of Ed Buck, to call on the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department to arrest Buck and for District Attorney Jackie Lacey to “prosecute him for murder after another young Black gay man was found dead in his West Hollywood apartment of an apparent overdose.”


As previously reported, a black gay escort named Gemmel Moore died of a meth overdose at Ed Buck’s West Hollywood home in July of 2017.

Anonymous ID: 393886 Jan. 7, 2019, 9:18 p.m. No.4657256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel defense aid bill snared in shutdown showdown



WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate was poised to take up legislation to impose new sanctions on Syria, boost security assistance to Israel and reauthorize defense cooperation with Jordan.


But Senate Democrats, including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., hope to block it on a procedural vote Tuesday, arguing the chamber should not consider any bills until it votes on House-passed legislation to end the partial government shutdown.


The impasse is fueled by a partisan dispute over border wall funding sought by President Donald Trump.


Called the “Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act,” the bill promises to be a boon to Israel and potentially to American precision-guided munitions manufacturers. It rolls together four bills Democrats and Republicans supported in the last Congress but weren’t enacted before that Congress ended.


For Israel, the legislation would authorize the $3.3 billion in U.S. security assistance under the two nations’ 2016 memorandum of understanding—and authorize new U.S.-Israel cooperation in anti-drone technologies, cybersecurity and space.


The legislation would extend authorization for the U.S. War Reserve Stockpile in Israel by five years, authorizing an additional $1 billion in stocks. It would also authorize the president to add precision-guided munitions to the stockpile for potential Israeli use in a conflict with Hezbollah.


The bill would authorize a joint assessment of the quantity and type of precision-guided munitions necessary for Israel to defend itself against Hezbollah, Hamas and other terrorist groups, and the bill would support rapid acquisition and deployment procedures for such munitions.


The legislation would also press the Trump administration to expedite export licensing for Israel by adding it to the list of nations eligible for the Strategic Trade Authorization Exception, according to a summary published by American Israel Public Affairs Committee.


Outside of the Israel provisions, the bill would reauthorize the U.S.-Jordan Defense Cooperation Act of 2015 and impose new sanctions on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government in response to alleged human rights violations.


“It is in America’s national security interests to ensure that our allies in the Middle East like Israel and Jordan remain secure amid the region’s growing destabilizing threats posed by Iran and Syria’s Assad regime,” Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio, who introduced the bill, said in a statement.