Anonymous ID: 5d5da1 Jan. 8, 2019, 6:03 a.m. No.4660714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0754


>Bongino makes better points than Hannity..

Not to say that Hannity is not, but

Dan Bongino is a PATRIOT. period.

Hannity has allowed his ego to overrun his message, which is part of why he irterupts everybody that gets a spot on his show.

In his defense, it must be a bitch to know more than you can say, and keep repeating 6 month old news like he does.

I wish they (FOX/his producers) would realize that the people that need that repetition, are NOT watching Fox News.


Agreed, Dan Bongino Rocks ! !

Anonymous ID: 5d5da1 Jan. 8, 2019, 6:08 a.m. No.4660756   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Maybe Israel is figuring they will need a new Big Brother.

Maybe they should get their 3.8 Billion/Year from them.

Maybe we should stop supplying them with weapons.


Think Hillary & Crew would not have been in middle of this?

You are absolutely correct, this smells worse than the optics look.

Anonymous ID: 5d5da1 Jan. 8, 2019, 6:34 a.m. No.4660977   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My initial assessments about this mirrored yours for a long time. I still do not disagree with them, although given everything else at hand, I find it difficult to believe the White Hats could/would overlook such an obvious and most likely reality.

It is now my opinion that the long term results of these actions will not require such 'open ended' solutions to prevent a recurrence because we approaching the end of "things as they are".

I am not preaching Doomsday, Alien Invasion, Armageddon or The Rapture (although I suppose all are possibilities).

I believe the Great Awakening will render the 'Black Hats' in a different space/time to do what they do, and those "Awakened" will be left to live in the Love & Beauty the Infinite Creator meant for us.

Given this possibility, there would be no need in all the actions you described that many of us would deem necessary to prevent a recurrence of the same BS over time.


There are many vastly diverse sources that point to such a scenario. After studying it for years, I am kind of partial to The Law Of One.

I do not mean studying it like David Wilcox, who I now believe to be a sold out shill. But rather, comparing the contents and how they relate to the Bible, Buddhism, Hinduism, The Atlantean Records and the Sumerian Tablets.


Not meaning or wanting to push any of that, but rather share my comfort level that the White Hats know more than we do, and I am comfortable with their call in that regard. I can easily see where our wanting vengeance, justice and all that might seem noble to us now but in the Greater Scheme of Awakening, the reality is We Are One and wishing ill will on them does no one any good. It would seem more appropriate and evolved both, to pray for them and hope they can be rehabilitated rather than destroyed.