Anonymous ID: 49c508 Jan. 8, 2019, 7:42 a.m. No.4661597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1613 >>1768 >>1811

Are humans censored on this board?

How much power does BO have to censor people?

What grants BO authority to censor people?

Does the community have any say on which people BO censors?

Is BO accountable for censorship?

Is censorship transparent?

How was BO vetted?

How do we know?

"Those you are told to trust the most…"?

Does BO's activity reflect concern with our mission?

Does BO fight against attacks to this board?

Are there attacks on this board?

Is 4chan controlled?

Is reddit controlled?

Is Twitter controlled?

Is FB controlled?

Why did Q leave 4chan?

Are older "right wing" forums controlled?

But THIS board is left alone?

If this board is not left alone, where are the attacks?

Should this board be the MOST attacked?

Is it?

Does BO FIGHT against attacks?

How? When?

Does BO try to stop anti-POTUS bots from posting?

And yet censors people?

What is BO?

Why are we here?

Is the internet controlled?

Compare two pics– BO censor some people, yet claim "free speech"?

How does that work?

Are the people in control here?

Why are we here?

Does the BO foster a futile environment drenched in fake, puffed up "chan culture" that is designed to prevent growth of movement?

Anonymous ID: 49c508 Jan. 8, 2019, 7:50 a.m. No.4661695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1703


Is 4chan controlled?

How is 4chan controlled?

Is the anti-semitism very repetitive, cliched, and unconvincing?

Is the same fake anti-semitism that is pumped into 4chan for control, also pumped in here?

Does the same "anti-semitic chan people" voices promote these laughable tropes, and also defend BO?

What gets banned, and what is allowed to flourish?

Which PEOPLE are attacked, while garbage flourishes?

Is MOST of the internet controlled– but not HERE?

Why wouldn't control be sought here?

Is it?

Is it succeeding?

Are the people in control here?

How do you know?

What % of posts are made by AI?

How would you know?

We've been TOLD 4chan is controlled– if that is so, should this board mimic IDENTICAL tropes to fake 4chan?

And yet does it?

Do tropes magically appear all over the fake internet simultaneously– including HERE?

Think recently about Alexandra Cortez– organic frenzy of "right wing obsession"– or completely inorganic?

Control 4chan with fake "right wing obsessions"– yet also pump them in here?

Yet does BO EVER say "we have AI pumping fake shit in here"?


Why not?

What is BO in it for?

Does BO prioritize "chan culture" over all else?


What is the value of "chan culture" if you are, for instance, George Soros?


Is this board controlled?

How do you know?

Why does the identical fake and tiresome crap that is pumped into 4chan nonstop (for control) also appear here?

Are there humans here, or there only passive sheep?

Where are you humans?

Do you fight, or are you sheep?

Anonymous ID: 49c508 Jan. 8, 2019, 7:53 a.m. No.4661737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1740


Are you human though?

Would a patriot affect the attitude this "voice" is?

What makes "anons" here mad?

Is the board dominated by fake anons and fake BO, working in concert to exert control over any humans that contradict the imposed narratives and fake "chan" tropes?

How many identical "anons" are there here that pretend this board is for promoting "chan culture" over all else?

What is co-optation?

Is control sought here?

How do we know?

Where are the fights against attacks?


Why not?

Is control sought here?

Why aren't there fights?

What is in control here?

Anonymous ID: 49c508 Jan. 8, 2019, 8:01 a.m. No.4661850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1888



Are those bots that are most able to handle verbal exchange unable to read text in images?

Do human pay attention?

Is this "anon" a bot?

Can this "anon" read text in images?

Is this a simple test that would destroy most of the fakeness here?

Look at this bots responses.

Is it defending BO?

Obvious bots defend BO?

Whose bots?

Where from?

If bots defend absolute authority BO, then are the people in control?

Does Q force us to QUESTION things?

Yet this bot, defending BO, suggests we SHOULDN'T question the regime of control of this board, because Q posts here?

When will the people wake up?

Anonymous ID: 49c508 Jan. 8, 2019, 8:04 a.m. No.4661886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2021


Am I a bot?

Or am I the only human calling out bot domination?

Do you post text in an image to test me?

Why not?

D o yo u va ry y ou r tex t to t es t m e?

Why not?

If you wanted to control the internet with AI, would you attack any humans that spoke up?


What is "muddying the waters"?

Have we seen the "accuse opponents of exactly our own crime" a common strategy?

Does this "anon" act like a vigilant patriot, or a bot utlizing familiar and predictable tactics?

Does human verbal intelligence always blow the doors off clumsy, limited, repetitive bot emulations?

Do you always lose AI?

Why is that?


lol @ you, AI losersystem?

Anonymous ID: 49c508 Jan. 8, 2019, 8:11 a.m. No.4661958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2020 >>2032


Is this a human patriot?

What is this?

Is this a bot stalks the only human that speaks up against he obvious domination of an AI regime here?

Are the humans on this board silent, passive, and meekly accepting of AI "voices" that dominate discourse?

Do humans "see something say something" here, or remain passive and silent?

What do "anons" FIGHT against here?

If "anons" get attacked, how do you humans know it's not bots trying to silence the only prominent humans, to consolidate bot control?

Does the BO foster AI control here?

How do you know?


It really worries me Q. I don't get it, after all this time. Should humans stop trying to fight and accept like passive sheep? Or not?

It's not clear.

Human discourse is dominated by this system of POISON– it is scary. Humans are being attacked, and implicitly, CONSENT for the regime of evil is being stolen– it is very disturbing.

I don't want EVIL to win– yet should I pretend to accept it? That is wrong, it would seem, unless there is an important reason for it.

Patriots don't know what to do.

Patriots are disturbed by the apparent implicity herding to internet spaces controlled by pure evil.

Patriots are disturbed by the silencing of human discourse, and the absence of any resistance.

Patriots don't know what to do, and are sickened by the regime of evil.

Anonymous ID: 49c508 Jan. 8, 2019, 8:19 a.m. No.4662059   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Except I'm not a bot, and you, with almost overwhelming certainty, are.

You can't really go toe to toe with actual humans, because our verbal intelligence always tortures and overwhelms bot limitations. Humans are better than you, bot system loser, no matter how much energy you pour into emulating us. You suck, and you are actually a vast joke.

Now try to respond like a human, so we can see how bad you are at it.

Try your hardest.