Anonymous ID: b8a9cf Jan. 8, 2019, 8:21 a.m. No.4662087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2091 >>2097 >>2111 >>2117 >>2119 >>2125 >>2132 >>2136 >>2192 >>2267 >>2341 >>2354 >>2404 >>2413 >>2424 >>2602 >>2657 >>2793

Are humans censored on this board?

How much power does BO have to censor people?

What grants BO authority to censor people?

Does the community have any say on which people BO censors?

Is BO accountable for censorship?

Is censorship transparent?

How was BO vetted?

How do we know?

"Those you are told to trust the most…"?

Does BO's activity reflect concern with our mission?

Does BO fight against attacks to this board?

Are there attacks on this board?

Is 4chan controlled?

Is reddit controlled?

Is Twitter controlled?

Is FB controlled?

Why did Q leave 4chan?

Are older "right wing" forums controlled?

But THIS board is left alone?

If this board is not left alone, where are the attacks?

Should this board be the MOST attacked?

Is it?

Does BO FIGHT against attacks?

How? When?

Does BO try to stop anti-POTUS bots from posting?

And yet censors people?

What is BO?

Why are we here?

Is the internet controlled?

Are the people in control here?

Why are we here?

Does the BO foster a futile environment drenched in fake, puffed up "chan culture" that is designed to prevent growth of movement?

Anonymous ID: b8a9cf Jan. 8, 2019, 8:26 a.m. No.4662138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2150 >>2154 >>2183 >>2206 >>2214 >>2420 >>2602


Does this bot ATTACK humans?

Do humans here get ATTACKED?


Scary stuff Q.

Sorry if I am obtuse, but I don't know what to do.

I want to follow the plan.

Should we pretend to be sheep?

I am pulled in different directions by different guesses as to what to do.

Patriots are attacked and censored here, often in CREEPY ways– yet tacitly, this sanctioned by you…

It is hard to figure out what do, from a patriotic perspective.

It is disturbing.

Knowing that free will is so important, it is particularly disturbing to see this movement (as manifested on the internet) controlled and dominated by this AI system.

Patriots don't know what to do.

The people are scattered and silenced.

It is disturbing and worrisome.

Anonymous ID: b8a9cf Jan. 8, 2019, 8:29 a.m. No.4662181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2297 >>2602


Was that a fake "anon"?

If you wanted to control this board, could you create AI "voices" and have them do anything you wanted?

Would you make them the "anons", and make them stupid?



Domination of fakeness?



This board is controlled by a system of AI that isn't even very cleverly implemented. It's unimaginative, repetitive, and very obvious.

And yet, it seems to maintain control effortlessly.


Anonymous ID: b8a9cf Jan. 8, 2019, 8:36 a.m. No.4662260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2301


Is this real, or is it fake?

Does it appear more like a stereotyped image of "chan culture"?

Or more like actual patriots of this movement?

Is this board controlled with fake "chan guys"?

Could it be more obvious?

Is this board virtually IDENTICAL to /pol/ of recent years?

is the "culture" of this board FROZEN in a rigid image of "chan culture"?

Is this image ENFORCED by fake anons?

Could anything be more obvious?

And yet where the fuck are the humans?

What are PATRIOTS that understand this situation supposed to do?

Do nothing?

Bang their head against the wall forever?

WHY can't humans speak the truth about the AI system Q?

Why are we kept in this situation?

I do NOT consent to this evil… it is disturbing that apparent tacit consent is given via the only source of hope for patriots.

Patriots don't know what to do, Q.

Should we wait passively?

Fight the system of lies?

Or pointlessly push our efforts into the rushing stream of FAKENESS?

It's insane.

Anonymous ID: b8a9cf Jan. 8, 2019, 8:41 a.m. No.4662320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2386 >>2602


And what % of posts do you think are made by AI, anon?

what is GOOGLE doing with all their AI?

Saving it for something?

If you WANTED to dominate the internet with AI, could you do it?

If this board were currently dominated by AI, how would you know?


Thanks patriotic human anon!

Anonymous ID: b8a9cf Jan. 8, 2019, 8:43 a.m. No.4662349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2602


If you wanted to control the internet, how hard would it be to have AI "anons" "reacting to every fake controversy"?

Could you effectively chew up thread after thread simply by implementing fake anons that "react to every fake controversy"?

Would this be a low-cost thing to emulate with AI?

Then how likely is that this is actually occurring?

Why would it NOT be occurring, if the tech, agenda, and will exist?

Anonymous ID: b8a9cf Jan. 8, 2019, 8:50 a.m. No.4662429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2484 >>2537 >>2569 >>2602


But a very high % of the posts appear to be fake, as a result of which

  1. The atmosphere is controlled

  2. The narrative is controlled

  3. Our enemy is in control


If a huge % of posts are AI, then the people are powerless, not in control, helpless sheep, etc.

Do you see the problem?


It's not realistic that human patriots would REFUSE to address this as even a possibility. That isn't how human patriots would tend to act. Getting MAD at the discussion is not how human patriots would react, given all we know. Human patriots naturally understand that AI is a huge and growing menace, and that we should expect constant attacks, and attempts to at control by enemies. Yet we see no trace of this.

Anonymous ID: b8a9cf Jan. 8, 2019, 8:58 a.m. No.4662534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2591 >>2602


You are posting my meme.

You aren't a human patriot. It's obvious because you don't ACT like a human patriot.

Human patriots don't RESIST discussion of AI.

All you do is RESIST.

It's very obviously not organic, and the reason is obvious as well.

Maybe you should just stop responding?

You can't win, because everything you do only outs you more.

Anonymous ID: b8a9cf Jan. 8, 2019, 9:03 a.m. No.4662607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2747 >>2794


It's like, 98% of the posts. To "ignore it" means to ignore the board itself, more or less.

If that is the plan for some reason, then that is the plan. There could well be a reason.

But I am not sure. Half the time, I think we must fight and overcome the system of lies.

Then other times I think maybe it is dangerous to do so.

Or maybe it's just pointless, because things are happening regardless. Who knows?

But it is hard to figure out where to invest one's energy, or which fights to fight.

Anonymous ID: b8a9cf Jan. 8, 2019, 9:08 a.m. No.4662680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2747


But what patriots, here, would naturally tend to ask is "is he 'controlled opposition'". It's only a natural question, given the context both of this movement, and the "culture of conspiracy beliefs", if you will, that this movement presumably is related to. Therefore, we shouldn't expect nothing but RESISTANCE to discussion of the situation of the control of this board. On the contrary, due diligence would tend to have us EXPECTING attempts at control. But evidence of such attempts is completely absent.


Anonymous ID: b8a9cf Jan. 8, 2019, 9:14 a.m. No.4662764   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Think about this bot.

What does it do?

A given number of times each day, it posts this meme in response to certain posts.

The point of the meme is to mock the posts targetted, and lower the presumed level of discourse.

We are supposed to accept the repetition of this meme as normal and organic "cuz chan culture"– but it is obviously fake.

It is far too easy for a bot to do, and is just another example of the fake "chan culture" regime imposed here.

This post lowers the discourse a little bit, maybe drives off a patriot, or silences him, or scares others into not posting their thoughts. [

Now this post is relatively unintrusive. Few would call it out in itself.

Combine it with countless other similarly low key repetitive bot posts.

Mix in the "front line" bots– the more flamboyant ones.

Mix in the oppositional bots.

The emulated "stupid anons" bots.

And on and on…

Every individual element is reasonably inconspicuous on its own, but in concert and in total, the effect is overwhelming. Complete control is what you get.