Anonymous ID: 2659b7 Jan. 8, 2019, 9:32 a.m. No.4662983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3184

▶Anonymous 01/08/19 (Tue) 10:08:01 ce107a (9) No.4661919>>4661941 >>4661945


>>4661275 LB (OP)


Kevin Cork on Fox a few moment ago said, "Someone from the White House texted me and said tonight's address will be one to remember" , Chuck and Nancy requesting "equal airtime" to debate what POTUS will say, this will backfire on them no doubt, continuing the seeds of division is what I see and I am pretty in line with most people I know who are sick of this constant animosity. Most people deal with those they do not like on a daily basis and people just get it done, many think they are them most imcompetent and overrated people in power and POTUS has won over many who originally voted for Hillary or wanted Sanders to win. This will backfire bigtime, their constant push to control the "narrative" is so obvious.