Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 9:22 a.m. No.4662863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2906 >>3377 >>3532 >>3571

The Hidden Connection Between NXIVM And Scientology


We recently wrote about how the NXIVM sex trafficking cult was using a precedent set by Scientology to protect themselves from charges of forced labor, coercion and blackmail. There may be a missing link that accounts for these startling similar styles of operation.


As far back as 2003, Rick Ross of the Cult Education Institute (formerly the Cult Awareness Network, more on that in a moment) addressed a comment from a user at the forum from user Templar regarding "the beginning of the end for NXIVM."


NXIVM Sex Cult Uses Scientology Precedent As Protection In Forced Labor Case


The comment regarded Keith Raniere, head of NXIVM, working to legally suppress detractors by claiming copyright and trade secret violations. This form of "lawfare" had been similarly unsuccessful when Scientology recently attempted to use the same argument to keep OT materials from being released on the internet.


A real connection between the two is Nancy O'Meara, a high ranking Scientologist who, get this, also happens to be involved in the Cult Awareness Network (CAN).


How can that be, you may ask? In 1995, Rick Ross and two other members of CAN were found guilty of violating the right to freedom of religion in relation to the Life Tabernacle Church. Ross was made to pay over $3 million in damages, CAN was also liable for over $1 million. When their assets (including records, name, and phone number) were sold at auction for $20,000 they were purchased by a Scientologist.


It goes deeper than that, though. NXIVM is something of a knock-off version of Scientology "tech." Rick Ross refers to Raniere as a "squirrel," which is Scientology slang for someone who uses Dianetics "tech" outside of the bounds of traditional Church of Scientology practice.


Nation of Islam And Church Of Scientology Connection Deepens


Raniere even uses the term "suppressive" (another bit of COS jargon) to describe "enemies" of the cult.


Back in September, also in 2003, Cult News (which is sponsored by Cult Education Institute) published an article explaining how Nancy O'Meara had "coached" NXIUM which could be a further explanation of how and why similar tactics have been employed.




Nation Of Islam And Church Of Scientology Connection Deepens

It seems that extremist religious ideologies occasionally make for strange bedfellows.

Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 9:23 a.m. No.4662878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2888 >>3173

Bolton made a ‘serious mistake,’ Ankara won't ‘swallow’ his comments on Syria's Kurds – Erdogan


US National Security adviser John Bolton has made a “huge mistake” naming Ankara's security guarantees for Kurds a precondition for US pullout from Syria, Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said.


The Turkish leader unleashed a bitter verbal attack on Bolton while speaking before the country's ruling party parliamentary group on Tuesday.


“It is not possible for us to accept and swallow Bolton's statements made in Israel,” Erdogan said. “Bolton is making a huge mistake, his statement is unacceptable.”


Erdogan's remarks referred to the US National Security Adviser's statement made on Monday. Bolton revealed that the US President Donald Trump told him he would not “not allow Turkey to kill the Kurds.”


“We don't think the Turks ought to undertake military action that's not fully coordinated with and agreed to by the United States, at a minimum, so they don't endanger our troops but also so that they meet the president's requirement that the Syrian opposition forces that have fought with us are not endangered,” he said.


The Turkish leader, on his part, stated that Ankara seeks only to kill “terrorists,” while actually protecting its “Kurdish brothers” in the neighboring country.


“Those, who spread the lie that Turkey is killing Kurds in Syria, are trying to manipulate the international community's opinion,” Erdogan stressed.


Ankara regards Syria's Kurdish-led militia – People's Protection Units (YPG) – as an offshoot of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). The party's militants have been waging an insurgency in Turkey's southeast since the 1980s. Their prolonged fight against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) – supported by the US-led coalition – was actually a “huge lie,” Erdogan claimed, vowing to launch a genuine operation against “terrorists” in Syria in the near future.

Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 9:26 a.m. No.4662903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2913 >>2937 >>2947 >>3377

MORE Masonic 33 projection?


House Democrats call for 33 percent corporate tax hike


An increase would partially undo the 2017 GOP tax overhaul that slashed the corporate tax rate


Newly installed House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) has proposed hiking the federal corporate income tax from 21 percent to 28 percent for the fiscal 2020 budget resolution.


The 33 percent increase would push the average corporate tax rate to 34 percent when coupled with state taxes, which average 6 percent nationally, Americans for Tax Reform reported. The 2017 GOP tax overhaul cut the federal corporate tax rate from 35 percent to its current rate of 21 percent.

How would a corporate tax increase impact the economy?


Such an increase would make the U.S. statutory rate higher than many of its competitors, including the United Kingdom (19 percent), Ireland, (12.5 percent), China (25 percent), Canada (26.8 percent), and Germany (29.8 percent), ATR noted.


Also, ATR reported, the "combined corporate rate across the 36 member Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) is currently 23.7 percent."


In turn, the U.S. would be less competitive globally and an increase would negatively affect the nation's strong economy, according to Grover Norquist, president of ATR.


"Hiking the tax rate on American businesses will kill jobs, lower wages, and reduce new investment in America," Norquist said. "Why do the Democrats want to damage American competitiveness and job creation?"


Last week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that 312,000 nonfarm payroll jobs were added in December. Wages have increased 3.2 percent over the past year.

When would the budget proposal reach the floor?


Yarmuth hopes to have the proposal ready for the House floor by April.


"We've told [Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland] that we will have the budget resolution to the floor by the first part of April, and that's the schedule he wants," Yarmuth said, Roll Call reported.

Would individual taxes increase?


Roll Call also reported that Democrats are considering a rate increase for wealthy earners, too, but no specifics were available.

Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 9:28 a.m. No.4662935   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WHO ARE THE REAL COMMUNISTS? US Democrat Party Proposes Higher Personal and Business Tax Rates Than Communist China


Who’s more radical? The Communist Chinese or the US Democrat Party?


We all know the answer to that.

The Democrat Party is the most radical political party in the world today.


On Tuesday tax expert Grover Norquist, the founder of Americans for Tax Reform, told Stuart Varney Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is proposing a higher personal tax rate than the Communist Chinese. And even “moderate” Democrats are proposing a higher business tax rate than the Communist Chinese government.


We are dealing with pure radicalism from today’s Democrat Party.


Grover Norquist: Cortez has one income tax rate she’s talking about, giving one income tax rate at 70% which would be HIGHEST IN THE WORLD! Higher than Communist China, higher than everybody else. Yarmuth, the 71-year-old Democrat from Kentucky, supposedly the grownup in the room, he’s already called for taking the corporate rate from 21 to 28 up by a third, to 28. Higher than China, higher than Britain, higher than Canada.


And that’s just their tax rates!

That’s not talking about all of their gender and global warming insanity!

Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 9:31 a.m. No.4662965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2982 >>2998 >>3000 >>3019 >>3241 >>3311 >>3377

CEO of disgraced Arizona care facility resigns after vegetative patient gives birth


The CEO of an Arizona care center where a woman in a vegetative state for over a decade gave birth to a child last month has resigned. Police are continuing a criminal investigation into the scandal.


Hacienda HealthCare CEO Bill Timmons resigned on Monday, with immediate effect, and his resignation was accepted unanimously by the board of directors. Timmons had been chief executive for 28 years.


In a statement sent to local media, Gary Orman, executive vice president of the board at the private healthcare company, said it “will accept nothing less than a full accounting of this absolutely horrifying situation, an unprecedented case that has devastated everyone involved, from the victim and her family to Hacienda staff at every level of our organization.”


Caregivers at the facility in Phoenix weren’t aware that the woman was pregnant until she began to moan during labor. She had been left in a vegetative state (awake but with no signs of awareness) for over 10 years after almost drowning.


Hacienda HealthCare is a private company with 40 programs serving 4,500 patients a year, the majority of whom are children and young adults. Police are conducting a criminal investigation but have, as yet, declined to share any details, though local media have reported that subpoenas for DNA samples may be forthcoming.


In addition, the Arizona Department of Economic Security conducted a health and wellbeing check on every patient at the facility and is cooperating with the police investigation.


The care center received a “below average” rating from health inspectors in 2017 but holds a "much below average" rating on the Medicare website. The facility has up to 74 patient beds, according to federal records, while state records show that some patients have lived at the Hacienda facility for decades.

Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 9:33 a.m. No.4662994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3377

Here Are The Obama-Era Officials Allegedly Behind The Alabama False Flag Campaign


Two Obama-era officials were instrumental in the false flag operation in Alabama ahead of the special election in 2017, reports show.

One of the Obama-era officials behind the misinformation campaign in Alabama finally opened up about his group’s role in the caper.

Two of the people involved in the social media misinformation campaign in Alabama are denying their roles in the operation, reports indicate.


A trove of reports show two Obama-era officials are partially responsible for a misinformation campaign designed to derail Republican Roy Moore’s senatorial campaign in Alabama.


Former President Barack Obama campaign organizer, Mikey Dickerson, was instrumental in a disinformation campaign targeting Moore, reports show. He was not alone. Evan Coren, who has worked for the National Archives unit since Obama’s first term, also targeted the Republican’s campaign.


Coren, for his part, is a progressive activist who handles classified documents for the Department of Energy. He has not responded to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment about the nature of the campaign, which was designed to fool conservatives into believing Moore intended to reimpose prohibition.


Coren and other operatives created a “Dry Alabama” Facebook page with a blunt message attached: Alcohol is evil and should be prohibited, The New York Times reported Monday, citing sources familiar with the matter. The page included images of car wrecks and ruined families, the report notes. Its contents were targeted at business conservatives who are inclined to oppose prohibition.


Two wealthy Virginia donors who wanted to defeat Moore funded the project, according to a person who worked on the project and who spoke on condition of anonymity. The Dry Alabama project was one of two $100,000 campaigns designed to help Moore’s Democratic opponent, Doug Jones, who barely won the 2017 special election.


Jones previously stated his campaign was unaware of the project and is also calling for an investigation into who is behind the antics. Political analysts believe allegations that Moore sexually assaulted underage women three decades earlier likely played a larger part in his loss. Coren’s false flag operation happened alongside a similar campaign by Dickerson, a former Obama official known for fixing the government’s notoriously glitchy Obamacare website.

Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 9:34 a.m. No.4663010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3377 >>3491

Skripal’s Salisbury home to be partly dismantled by British military


Sergei Skripal’s house in Salisbury is to be dismantled by a British military team. The roof of the 67-year-old’s house and adjoining garage are to be completely removed as part of the deep-clean and deconstruction work.


Dismantling the house will lead to significant disruption for residents on Christie Miller Road in Salisbury, the Telegraph reports.


A letter sent to neighbors of Sergei and daughter Yulia Skripal from Wiltshire Council’s director of public of health, Tracy Daszkiewicz, warns of large-scale work scheduled to take place over the coming months on the former Russian spy’s property.


The letter dated January 4, seen by the Press Association, says that all house materials will be wrapped and sealed on site before being safely removed from the premises. It adds that once the scaffolding frame is in place, “the deconstruction work is expected to take around two weeks. This specialist work will be carried out by the military team.”


A clean-up operation has been taking place ever since the Skripals were found slumped on a bench in Salisbury town center on March 5, but work paused over Christmas. The start of a more extensive phase of the operation was due to begin on January 7.


Detectives believe the pair first came into contact with the poison when it was transferred onto the door handle of their home.




Destroying evidence???

Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 9:36 a.m. No.4663031   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EU politicians to join anti-Hungarian Government protests ‘to serve interests of George Soros’


The left-wing RED movement – founded by Socialist MEP Istvan Ujhelyi – holds a protest on Tuesday in Brussels’ Schuman Square.


The Hungarian speakers – MEP Istvan Ujhelyi (MSZP/S&D), Barnabas Mester (RED), MEP Benedek Javor (Parbeszed/Greens-EFA), Balazs Nemeth (Momentum), Janos Kendernay (LMP) and MEP Csaba Molnar (DK/S&D) – will be joined by Dutch Green MEP Judith Sargentini, the rapporteur of the report about the rule of law in Hungary.


According to Fidesz MEP Tamas Deutsch, left-liberal opposition parties want to form a joint, pro-immigration list for the elections. He accused them of serving George Soros’s interests and questioned Sargentini’s objectivity and motivations.

Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 9:38 a.m. No.4663046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3228 >>3423

The Cult of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Politico Alum Floats Sacrificing Life to Extend Hers


Former Politico columnist Roger Simon would like to trade away precious days of his own life to save ailing Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


In yet another one of those tweets that reveals just how loony and extremist the establishment media truly are, the far-left columnist wrote: “If it were possible, would you subtract one day off your life and add it to Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s life for one extra day of good health? If just 10,000 people did this, it would add 27 productive years to her life.”


Naturally, before becoming Politico‘s chief columnist, like most left-wing columnists, Simon first disguised himself as a straight news reporter for years, even as a White House correspondent.


Simon is the kind of hard-hitting, truth-obsessed newshound who wrist-flicked Obama’s fast and furious scandal … cuz Obama.


And now… And now…


Here he is, willing to trade away precious days of his own life, and asking others if they would give up irreplaceable time that normal people would use to spend with family and loved ones, to save, uh — not a child with cancer who will never get the opportunity to start living, but an 85-year-old woman who has lived a full and rich life.


Everything with these freaks is politics, everything… Simon doesn’t care about Ginsburg the woman, the person, the mother and grandmother. He only cares about keeping her left-wing influence on the court, especially with the prospect of the Bad Orange Man replacing her.


And if Trump does replace her, Simon and his ilk know he will not be bullied into replacing her with a left-leaning judge or a moderate (but I repeat myself). Media outcry be damned, he will replace her with another Brett Kavanaugh, and after the 2016 midterm elections expanded Republican Senate majority, that pick will be confirmed.


What’s more, after the ugliness of the Kavanaugh confirmation backfired on the media and Democrats, it will be almost impossible to stop Trump’s next Supreme Court nominee with their fabricated lies.


Simon knows this, and it drives him and his fellow leftists crazy. Democrat ideas, like abortion, unfettered illegal immigration, and same-sex marriage cannot win at the ballot box, so all the left has is the court, and the thought of losing the Supreme trump card for a generation drives them over the edge…


In fact, the thought of this drives them so crazy they are willing to trade the most priceless day of their life, the last day they would have to hold their wife and hug their children, to spite the Bad Orange Man.


The media is not a cult, y’all… Definitely not a cult.


You almost have to feel sorry for people this miserable.



Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 9:45 a.m. No.4663134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3377

AfD leader blames media smear campaign for ‘assassination attempt’ on state chairman


The leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party made a video statement on the sickening attack on Frank Magnitz, state chairman of the AfD.


Magnitz was almost beaten to death by three masked thugs in the northern German city of Bremen. Police said they are treating the incident as a “politically motivated act.”


AfD leader Alice Weidel said “she is completely shocked by this abhorrent act” and partly blames the media for it. According to her the media’s smear campaign against her democratically elected party “finally beared fruit”.


Weidel says “this cowardly attack is to be completely condemned” and “this violence has reached a completely new level”.


The AfD leader also refers to a bombing attack in Döbeln, where an explosive device partly destroyed a local AfD party building.

Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 9:47 a.m. No.4663157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3577

Hillary Clinton Wants New York State to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth: “There’s No Time to Wait”


Hillary Clinton is not on the campaign trail right now, but she still is using her influence to push legalized abortion up to birth.


On Sunday, she announced plans to help New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo push a radical pro-abortion bill in his state.


“I’ll be joining Gov. Cuomo as he lays out his plan to codify Roe v. Wade and pass the Reproductive Health Act,” Clinton wrote on Twitter. “There’s no time to wait.”


Cuomo made no secret of his plans to ram the pro-abortion bill through the state legislature. He said he wants to see it pass within 30 days.


Pro-abortion lawmakers in New York have been trying to pass the radical pro-abortion Reproductive Health Act for years. Already one of the most pro-abortion states in America, New York would be made even more pro-abortion if the legislation passes. The bill would allow abortions on viable, late-term unborn babies for any “health” reason and would keep abortion on demand legal in the state if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.


The Times Union reports the bill would end a decades-old law that would criminalize late-term abortions if Roe is overturned and replace it with new language allowing abortion on demand. State Sen. Liz Krueger, D-Manhattan, is the sponsor.


“It would proclaim abortion as a fundamental right and impose an extreme abortion agenda on all New Yorkers,” according to New York State Right to Life.


Here’s more from the local news:


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The legislation passed the Assembly but was blocked by the Senate Health Committee before it got to the floor for a vote last year.


With the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy and the controversial appointment of conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats like Cuomo and Clinton fear the Supreme Court could repeal Roe v. Wade. They’re pushing, as New York’s legislature convenes on Jan. 9, to make sure the ruling is state law.

Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 9:51 a.m. No.4663217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3356 >>3550

‘I had an abortion, and I am not apologizing’: Billboards across Iowa boast of abortion pride


Planned Parenthood is behind the billboards being erected in Iowa, encouraging women to be open, honest, and unashamed when discussing their decision to end the lives of their children via abortion.

The ads feature real-life Iowa women who have had abortions and are speaking out about the necessity of them.

One billboard reads, "I had an abortion, and I am not ashamed."

Another reads, "I had an abortion, and it was just health care."

Yet another billboard boasts, "I had an abortion, and I am not apologizing for it."

So this is where we are as a society.


The new campaign, #SayAbortion, was launched on Friday, and seeks to change the "culture" of abortion in Iowa.

According to a news release, the campaign is "focused on breaking the cycle of silence and stigma around abortion care in Iowa."

The ads for #SayAbortion are featured on billboards in metropolitan areas across the state, and has been initiated as a result of Iowans who are "speaking out against the state's dangerous, unconstitutional 6-week abortion ban," which, at the time of this writing, has been blocked by a court injunction.

The fetal heartbeat bill — which was signed into law in May by Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) — bans abortions beyond the time health care professionals can detect a fetal heartbeat.

Reynolds, when signing the bill into law, said, "I believe that all life is precious and sacred, and as governor, I pledged to do everything in my power to protect it."

Such professionals can detect a baby's heartbeat around six or seven weeks


What did Planned Parenthood say?

In a lengthy statement, Dr. Jill Meadows — medical director for Planned Parenthood Heartland — said:


Planned Parenthood envisions a culture where abortion access is understood as a basic human right, an essential part of health care and a normal part of life. For some people, the decision to have an abortion is easy, and for others it is very difficult. At Planned Parenthood, we're here to provide nonjudgmental support and factual, medically accurate information so that every patient can make their own personal decision about a pregnancy based on their own values, desires and needs. Abortion is incredibly common, yet too often people who have abortions are made to feel like they can't talk about it, or when they do speak up their stories and voices drowned out by the politics. With the #SayAbortion campaign, we are putting a stop to the extreme anti-choice interest groups speaking over our patients. We are amplifying the voices of real people who have had abortions, we are talking about abortion care out loud, and we are shifting the narrative so all people can talk openly about abortion with sensitivity to the complexity of real-life individual experiences.


The organization has been vocal about the campaign on Twitter.

One tweet about the project reads, "Abortion is safe, common health care — and in 2019, we are over the stigma. That's why today we launched #SayAbortion, a billboard campaign across Iowa amplifying the voices of real people who have had abortions."


Abortion is safe, common health care – and in 2019, we are over the stigma. That's why today we launched #SayAbortion, a billboard campaign across Iowa amplifying the voices of real people who have had abortions.

Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 10 a.m. No.4663343   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So we have Netanyahu bragging about Israel's technology.


Netanyahu hails ‘breakthrough technology’


Netanyahu: The Arab world needs Israel's technology


There are many more examples lately.


From notables #5038 (pb):

>>4661735 Russian Patriarch Warns ‘Antichrist’ Will Control Humans Through Gadgets.


Then you have the entire anti-Christ in the third temple.


All pushed by the suspected fraudulent book of revelations. Which has convinced SOME Christian's that for the second coming to happen the anti-Christ and NWO must be allowed to happen, plus wiping out 2/3 of humanity..


Talk about an ENORMOUS deception

Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 10:03 a.m. No.4663394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3410 >>3435

Angela Davis is latest Black target of Israel lobby


The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute has canceled its annual gala at which iconic Black scholar and activist Angela Davis was to receive a prestigious human rights award.


Randall Woodfin, the mayor of Birmingham, Alabama, expressed his “dismay” at the decision, which he said came “after protests from our local Jewish community and some of its allies.”


“The reactive decision of the BCRI did not create an opportunity for necessary consensus dialogue,” Woodfin added.


Davis is the latest prominent Black intellectual and outspoken supporter of Palestinian rights to be targeted by the Israel lobby.


Roy S. Johnson, a columnist for several Alabama newspapers, revealed Monday that those demanding the cancellation were “primarily – though not exclusively – from the city’s Jewish leadership, according to a source familiar with a decision that transpired quickly, and stunningly, in a span of just a few days.”


Last month, Southern Jewish Life, a communal publication serving southern states, ran an article criticizing the BCRI for honoring Davis, claiming that she is “an outspoken voice in the boycott-Israel movement, and advocates extensively on college campuses for the isolation of the Jewish state, saying Israel engages in ethnic cleansing and is connected to police violence against African Americans in the United States.”


While there is vocal and growing opposition to Israel’s policies among American Jews at large, the leaders of established Jewish communal groups, including the Birmingham Jewish Federation, tend to be strongly pro-Israel.


The Birmingham Jewish Federation was reportedly among the groups that pressured BCRI.


Others who pressured BCRI to ditch Davis reportedly included General Charles Krulak, a retired Marine commander and former president of Birmingham-Southern College.

Support for Palestinians


Angela Davis, a Birmingham native, has long been an outspoken supporter of Palestinian rights and an advocate of the BDS – boycott, divestment and sanctions – movement to hold Israel accountable for its violations and crimes against Palestinians.


Davis has also stood up for Rasmea Odeh, the Palestinian activist and torture survivor deported from the US in 2017 following a conviction for immigration fraud.


Adam Milstein, a major financier of anti-Palestinian groups, took note of the BCRI’s decision on Twitter:

Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 10:05 a.m. No.4663422   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Return of the Neocons


Two years ago, as Donald Trump ascended to the presidency, you might have thought that, if nothing else, neoconservatives had finally been put out to pasture. In the campaign, Trump had blasted the neocons’ signature policy, the war in Iraq, as a “big fat mistake,” and repudiated their ostensible program of turning nations into liberal democracies. He paid no political price with voters, and probably the opposite, as white evangelicals once drawn to George W. Bush’s “freedom agenda” flocked to Trump in record numbers.


Even allowing for Trump’s opportunism and inconsistencies, his election victory appeared to deal a double blow to the neoconservative persuasion. It not only broke the neocons’ hold on the Republican Party, but also, in the same stroke, revealed that they lacked a popular constituency. There they were, free-floating pundits, alone and exposed—neither intellectually credible nor politically representative.


Why, given this development, would Republican politicians respond by once again seeking out the neocons’ counsel? Why, far less, would Democrats? And why would much of the news media, grappling with historic levels of public distrust, accept neoconservatives and neoconservatism as the baseline for foreign policy analysis?


Yet exactly this has happened. Today, neoconservatives are riding high once more, in the White House, on Capitol Hill, in the most prominent organs of opinion. The Weekly Standard may have shuttered, but anti-Trump neocons enjoy increasing influence in the center of the Republican and Democratic parties and in publications like The Atlantic and The Washington Post. Others, meanwhile—call them neo-neoconservatives, or post-neoconservatives—are busy making policy in the Trump administration. They’ve gone with Trump for good reason. Although he is repudiating the export of liberal democracy and degrading its practice at home, Trump is also reasserting the American right’s pugnacious antipathy to “globalism.” He is acting as many within the neocon firmament have long favored, positioning the United States against a vicious world and fetishizing brute force in response.



Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 10:07 a.m. No.4663445   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US peace deal to include $250bn compensation by Arab states to Jews


The prospective American peace deal, dubbed as the “deal of the century”, is to include that $250 billion be paid by Arab states in compensation for Jewish property left behind after the creation of Israel, Al-Wattan Voice said yesterday.


Reporting Israeli media, the news site said that the occupation government had valued Jewish property in the Arab states of Libya and Tunis to be worth $50 billion, while Jewish property in the entire region to be $250 billion.


According to Al-Wattan Voice, talling the cost of losses began one and half a years ago secretly in Morocco, Iraq, Syria and Yemen, in addition to Iran.

Anonymous ID: 84e29c Jan. 8, 2019, 10:10 a.m. No.4663501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3570 >>3622

Heathrow Grounds Flights As Police Investigate Drone Sighting


According to reports in UK's ITV, the runway at London's Heathrow Airport - one of the biggest airport's in Europe - has been closed due to a drone sighting, in what sounds like a nightmarish re-run of the incident that recently shut down Gatwick airport for 36 hours during the middle of the holiday travel rush.