Anonymous ID: 98a3d2 Jan. 8, 2019, 9:31 a.m. No.4662974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2999 >>3016 >>3197 >>3229 >>3401 >>3403 >>3485 >>3630

>>4659554 PB on Soldier Implants Notable: How to stop PTSD naturally.


Don't let them mess with anyone on the PTSD shit. The brain is electro-chemical, period.

Post Traumatic Stress disorder "episodes" can NOT happen without a flood of glutamate to excite the nerves of the Amygdala. The amygdala is the brain part, and system that IS the origin of the fight or flight system.

PTSD is NOTHING more than artificially induced OVER activation of the amygdala fight or flight system by the ONLY molecule that can DO it…. Glutamic acid.


THEY are LOADING this shit into the food supply by the metric ton as a flavor enhancer. It "twangs the tongue nerves" but that is not all it acts on.

Troops come home.

Spouse feeds family not knowing the food is laced with the glutamate neurotransmitter.

Blood brain barrier is often compromised from battle concussions, sound, getting hit in the head, etc.

Glutamate that should NOT be in the food, gets into the brain, where the highest concentration of receptors for it to "plug in" is located in the amygdala.

Suddenly, the brain of our beautiful soldier who came home, is overdosed with this neurotransmitter. The Amygdala over reacts, telling the soldier that his wife, kids, or the soccer ball he is looking at…. is "out to get him" and he had better fight for his life, or run (panic)



I can put drugs in you that will shut your brain down so I can cut you open and fix you in surgery.


Artificial activation of the flight or fight system. Take the glutamate out of the food in all of it's forms. MSG, Monosodium glutamate, autolyzed anything, hydrolyzed anything, texturized anything, will get about 90% of it out of your food cupboards.

See They can legally hide the neurotransmitter (which should require a prescription) the food by calling it by HOW you make it, rather than WHAT it is.


After you clean the cupboards, start cooking drug free food, and get some OOLONG Green tea with GABA (gaba-amino-butyric acid). Have the glutamate victim drink a couple cups of Oolong GABA tea a day.


GABA is the inhibitory neurotransmitter for all nerves that are activated with Glutamate. Glutamate is excitatory, and GABA is inhibitory.



For every activator of the nerve, there is an "in-activator"

Use it folks. Knowledge is power. No one suffering PTSD needs pharma. Just balance the brain chemicals, and get them out of the food.

Love to my anons

Anonymous ID: 98a3d2 Jan. 8, 2019, 9:35 a.m. No.4663016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3180 >>3197



DO NOT let them lie to you.

They will tell you their flavor enhancer can not get through the blood brain barrier:


Soldiers, football players, anyone who has had a bump on the head sufficient to create a mild concussion, has a compromised blood brain barrier.

Kids do not have one until the age of 13 on average, when brain is done growing.


Infants and those in the womb dont even have a full brain much less a barrier.


Anyone over 50 is statistically suffering micro-strokes compromising the barrier.

Anonymous ID: 98a3d2 Jan. 8, 2019, 9:50 a.m. No.4663197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3352





>TY Anon!




YOU are so welcome. God love ya. These pharma/FOOD bastards have been doing this "Drugging" without consent to our population since wwII when the soldiers got a taste of the MRE's with the Japanese MSG that made it taste better then the US MRE's

So they call the quartermaster, and start putting it into the MRE's…. stupid asses pretend not to know why soldiers suffered from "whatever war syndrome"


Listen you FDA food/pharma corp bastards. GET that SHIT out of the food. You need to be sued for practicing medicine without a license. THAT would be kind. If I had a bayonet, I would run you through.

Just so you know, you fuckers…. you tried to blind my kid with the crap. I'll have you know I healed his eyes once I figured out what you were putting in the food.

You tried to give my daughter lifelong seizures with this shit. NOPE. No seizures anymore. No temper tantrums. SHE became a happy straight A student, happy mom.

And the battered spouse that I was?

Al that ended, as soon as I figured out about the drugs (glutamate, aspartate – aspartame) you put in the food.

The family is happy but you are cursed…. straight to hell. May the God of the universe judge your greedy evil hopeless dark souls, and send your souls to HELL!!!!

Anonymous ID: 98a3d2 Jan. 8, 2019, 10:04 a.m. No.4663403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3425 >>3452 >>3468 >>3505



Diet Coke is made from aspartic acid called aspartame. It is THE SHORT form of glutamate, that does the exact same thing. Let me go get a picture so you can see side by side. The job of the aspartic acid is to activate the nerves, but leave only SOME unactivated. It is a specialty neurotranmitter.

Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotranmitter of the human body. It can be excitotoxic to ALL nerves.

Aspartic acid is a specialty version of glutamate, but otherwise identicle, and acts also as an excitotoxic neurotransmitter in excess.

BOTH kill the nerves, which is why people with PTSD show up with amyugdalas that are "SHRUNKEN" on an MRI scan.



Nerve over activation nerve cell death especially at the amygdala where the glutamate/aspartate receptors are highly concentrated > Body carries the dead cells away > Doctors scratch their heads wondering why PTSD sufferers have SHRUNKEN AMYGDALAS?????????????????.


Doctors are not told.

They have no clue this shit is in the food.

They need to be told.

NO man made artificial drug will fix this.

Only a re balance of the neurotransmitters by not eating them in the food, will allow brain chemical rebalance.

Anonymous ID: 98a3d2 Jan. 8, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.4663485   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OP here.

I love you guys.

Fight back.

Learn how to fight back with the food.

Learn how to fight back with the baby shots.

The war against us and our children and grandchildren is not on the surface.

They would not dare come here with guns.

But they will infiltrate us by bombing us in the food supply. They will shoot us with shots instead of bullets.

My generation did not have the internet.

Take what we learned the hard way.

Wield your knowledge like a sword.


Anonymous ID: 98a3d2 Jan. 8, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.4663612   🗄️.is 🔗kun





>>>4663016 (You)


>>…compromised blood brain barrier….


>Your posts inspired me to do a Google search on "compromised blood brain barrier treatment" and there are some interesting hits that people might want to check out.


Keep searching Anon. Fight the drugs in the food supply, and the deadly horrible things they have done to the baby shots. One our of 65 autistic, but only one autistic in the Amish community, because they get no shots.

They do the measles for the kids like our grandmothers use to. Measles go way, autism does not.

FIGHT for clean food.

DO NOT do the shots. Your odds are WAY better doing it old fashioned. If it gets bad, take the kid in to the hospital They will come out brain intact.

Fight anons.

And If I do not live to see the day….. I want to know that you will keep going and hang these bastards.

Knowledge is power.