Anonymous ID: cd9ef1 Jan. 8, 2019, 10:13 a.m. No.4663532   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Scientology may process Nation of Islam NPCs of franchise model. I wonder if they are serving other Branded organizations?

How do the Islam Imams know that the Scientologists don't leave backdoors in their NPCs?

What kind of mods to the Nation of Islam default OS are they making?

Fard was a cannibal who practised the cult ritual human sacrifice etc, but he never worked with white people, an impure genetic mixture of pig and ape - or so ran the dogma.

Foundational myths are arbitrary when they're created for control purposes. Fard obviously found talking shit about honkey DNA pulled in more followers.

If you've ever attended a Nation of Islam event, you know that "the african oratorical tradition" involves a two hour rhythmic syncopated build to transportive state of extreme suggestibility. People sufficiently transported by the experience are accepted as adherents.

Don't know much about the Nation of Islam, but they are not the only mind control cult that purports to be in some way Islamic.

The Ismailis are the direct Heirs to Hasan al sabah's assassins who famously used hypnosis, illusion etc, to create a network of devoted adherents.

This was news to anon. The Ismailis are a worldwide sect, styled Islamic but considered heretical by both sunni and shia they are led by the shining Aga Khan. The Aga Khan has been portrayed as a worldly secular muslim playboy, which he isn't.

The details of the transition, the rebranding of the assassins are in a book anon is trying to locate. French anons may help


von Hammer, Histoire de L'Ordre des Assassins


where details may be found, per Steven Runciman who cited it as reference in vol 2 of his History of the Crusades.


Talk about sidespliting cult hijinks, the shit they pulled on the peons with Peter the Hermit would be hilarious, if the poor peasant were being slaughtered and sold into slavery at every turn.


These mind control cultist create a proprietary belief system. Outsiders (us) are an environment to be managed and shaped at will.

Anyone can run a mind control operation who can imagine some reasonable metaphysical structure - most of them adopt an existing one based on crystalline structures associated with gems and DNA.


Massive alienation from MSM pseudo reality has created myriads of lost soles, vulnerable addicts and seekers. These poor souls are caught between the Scylla of the big pharma dominated public mental health "system" and the Charybdis of cults like Scientology and other predatory control systems.

The difference with the Reindeer dude is the high networth bots he seems to control. The Bronfman girl is bloodline. Did she go off the reservation fall for New Age charismatic scam and get possessed by whatever demons Reindeer thought he was running?


The unconscious isn't empty. It has protocols. Observe them and walk in the light. Transgress them and get pwned by bezzlebarf and friends.


Happy Birthday