Its 100% lies. Clock never 1 time in its entire history can a single event be claimed as being true! So you want to learn lies and slight of hand trickery?
Its only state fair, parlor slight of trickery, where anything can be anything - or Matrixing.
ANY 2 Digits in the time/date or that, if they just happen to be the same in the previous 1000+ tweets, well, all are valid because you only base your FACTUAL CODE on 2 digits along. If it has a 18, that means out of 1000+ tweets that have "18" in it, is CODED TRUE - yet what about the other 999+ they discard? 100% exactly the same "18" anywhere inside the piece.
The word "the" in code can be a 3 or like 38. Matrixing means everyone is correct in an answer.
18 can mean date time 18. Or 9, or 81 mirrored, etc. ANything you want you can created without any bounderies. Thats how coding works.
1+2=3 but not here. Can be 123 or 1+2-3=0. Or 12x3 = 36. Or "ABC" meaning alphable agencies…
So any 2 digits being the same can be linked. Say the word "the" the create as a code work. You can choose any WH document out of the millions and look for the word "The". Well then, thats all you need to have it verified as Code document! Well, 1 million other documents also have "The" in it, yet 8ch CODERS pick and choose ANYTHING THEY WANT, and CREATE ANY STORYLINE THEY WANT. Remember, they only link any 2 digit or word as FACT!
Slight of hand word parlor trickery. Never has anything ever in 8ch history has ever been verified as real in any 2nd party verification stating its real and correct.
Well, but understand, this is the land of OZ where only 2 digits link anything to anything, and its all real here. Nothing is verified and when asked for evidence of truthfullness as actually happened as they stated, they call you a shill for asking for verification.
Trust But Verify but never ask for verification to get your trust. Follow blindly and never ask and you will be 1 of them. But if you ever question, you are their enemy - even for only asking for proof what they say is real.
Not what you think… Wish it was, but its 100% lies and nothing in clockfags time wheel has ever in its history been verified real or happening as they predict.