Anonymous ID: 4cae86 Jan. 8, 2019, 12:21 p.m. No.4665133   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4662974 PB – OP – Original Post on Supersoldiers and using chips in the brain to stop PTSD; How to stop PTSD naturally.


Keep fighting to bring it to the front anons, and, adding new info on killing cancer to the post . Learned some new things in recent research this past weekend.



Fight for the kids, the troops, and the President we love….fellow anons. Love to you all.


>>4663505 …Thank you for the reference.







>Wonder if the nerve damage might contribute to things like Fibromyalgia-nerve damage of unknown origin.


Answer so far in the med literature: Combination problem. Nerves being torn up by neurotransmitter overdose, AND previously unknown infection by mycoplasma.

I could not walk from arthritis a year and a half ago. Now walking and pain free after taking NANO-silver, 2 shots a day for 12 months. NOT COLLOIDAL>>>>colloid too big, will turn you blue at these doses. But nano can get into the cell kill the infection that antibiotics can not kill.


Just quitting the neurotransmitters helps, then, kill the infection.


BY THE WAY…. this med researcher working with Doctor friend on research last weekend learned something new:


GLUTAMATE ALSO steps on the CANCER gas.


SEE pic related. Working on big cancer post. Cancer needs two things to survive. It cant breathe oxygen. It has to breathe SUGAR, which is why they use radio-sugar to make the cancer "light up" for pet scans. THINK about that.

Want to starve cancer?

No sugar.

No glutamate or glutamine at all.

Drink tons of MATCHA green tea with the highest levels of EGCG.

See the diagram.

Even if glutamine or glutamate get into the cancer to feed it, the green tea blocks the reaction.

Look at the sugar and glutamine going into the cell on the pic related.

Look for the EGCG in the lower middle of the PIC related.

THAT is in green tea blocking the reaction cancer needs to survive. Matcha green has 150-500% more EGCG than other green teas.
















>Doesn't POTUS drink Diet Coke?


>Everyone I've ever known who drank Diet Coke was fucking addicted to the stuff.


They will be. These are neuroransmitters being eaten and unbalancing the brain chemicals. The brain will create new receptors that create more of the the inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain to counteract the poisoning that happens. When you take away the diet coke asparteme or the glutamate, suddenly your brain is making too much of the opposite neurotransmitter.

This is how addicts die suddenly.


The only way off the addiction I have been able to use is the Oolong tea with the GABA in it, that gets rid of the glutamate abundance by matching and balancing the brain, cup for cup, on the way down back to normal neurotransmitter status. It takes about a year of drinking less and less GABA tea over time. But it works.

Works for Heroine addiction , Valium, fentanyl, oxycodone, alcohol.

ALL FIVE of the above RAISE glutamate levels in the brain. THAT is the KEY. The brain builds GABA production to re-establish balance. Years later, if you pull the drug (heroine etc) then suddenly the brain is making too much of the GABA… big deadly imbalance created.

Get off the drug safely at rehab to stop deadly seizures.

WHen you come home, use the GABA TEA to walk you down the rest of the way and take away cravings.

Done it with people I love. It works.

It takes 8 pots of tea a day to detox a heroine addict at first