Anonymous ID: 597347 Jan. 8, 2019, 11:33 a.m. No.4664482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4500 >>4540 >>4604 >>4618 >>4906 >>5025 >>5114

Retired 4-star Marine resigns from Middle East envoy in Qatar dispute


A retired Marine four-star general who once headed U.S. Central Command and later served as an envoy to work the Israel-Palestinian conflict has resigned from his current post working on a Qatar dispute. Retired Gen. Anthony Zinni told CBS News that he realized he could not help to resolve the dispute, “because of the unwillingness of the regional leaders to agree to a viable mediation effort that we offered to conduct or assist in implementing.”


The dispute revolves around accusations that the Qatar government has supported militant groups tied to terrorist attacks in the region. In June 2017 Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates cut ties with Qatar. Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson first requested Zinni to serve as a special adviser to the secretary of state on Middle East concerns in 2017. Both Tillerson and Mattis have since resigned.


During his tenure, President Donald Trump also looked to the former general to help build an ‘Arab NATO’ to counter Iranian influence in the Middle East. The concept focuses on creating a security and political alliance between the Egypt, Jordan and the Gulf Arab states. That would join mostly Sunni Muslim majority states against the Shia-majority Iran. Trump’s administration dubbed the fledgling group the Middle East Strategic Alliance. Zinni told CBS News that he was not needed to continue work on the MESA, as other administration officials would continue that project. The retired general told Task & Purpose that he was “disappointed” about Mattis’ recent resignation, calling him the “right guy for the job.” But he said Mattis’ departure didn’t affect his own resignation. Zinni, 75, is a Vietnam War veteran who later served as the commander in chief of U.S. Central Command.

Anonymous ID: 597347 Jan. 8, 2019, 11:42 a.m. No.4664589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4618 >>4906 >>5025 >>5114

Mexico to regulate 370 illegal crossings on Guatemala border


MEXICO CITY (AP) — The Mexican government has pledged to put guards at some 370 illegal crossing points along the country’s southern border with Guatemala. The crossings “will be guarded and controlled to prevent the entry of undocumented people,” Interior Secretary Olga Sanchez Cordero said Monday. Currently, migrants cross along almost the entire length of the Usumacinta and Suchiate rivers that separate the two countries.


Sanchez Cordero did not set a date for accomplishing the task of securing the porous border. But she said Mexico would not allow a repeat of events In October, when caravans of Central American migrants scuffled with Mexican police on the main border bridge, and then simply crossed the river to gain entry. “We have information that a new caravan is forming to enter our country in mid-January,” Sanchez Cordero said. “We are already taking the necessary steps to ensure the caravan enters in a safe and orderly way.” “There are leaders in the caravan that are directing it, trying to burst into our country, but we will not allow any entry that is not orderly, safe and controlled by Mexican laws,” she said.


Sanchez Cordero promised that migrants who present identity documents and apply for a transit, humanitarian or refugee visa would get a response within three days. Sanchez Cordero also pledged additional immigration and enforcement agents at the 12 formal points of entry on the border.