Anonymous ID: 8f6b26 Jan. 8, 2019, 11:43 a.m. No.4664614   🗄️.is 🔗kun

> moves and counter moves


> theoryfaggin

RBG died

Body kept on ice for political advantage

Trump announces the address, taking place tonight, and the msm/social media/ANONS and everyone else go berserk with speculations.

Politicians are going on air to 'warn we, the people' that our duly elected president will be making false statements and saying the information isn't factual.

Think about that for a moment.

Imagine you're in a fire fight

You have more ammo than you can imagine

Troops behind you

Air support

No fear

Slowly, you realize your ammo is running low.

But the enemy is still fighting

Your air support stops making flights

Your troops are dropping and you're at risk of being in this alone

But the enemy is still fighting

Suddenly, you notice you're down to your last mag

Freaking out yet?

The enemy is still approaching.

A larger army that you have the rounds to deal with.


Fire 19

1 remains

The final play

What weekend?

As we make our final approach

Please remained buckled in your seat

Ensure your seats and trays are in the upright position.


Please, POTUS, give them 17 hours to present a bill with full funding for a wall.

Force thier hands and force them to plsy the RBG card

Resume control of the narrative in a press conference by being asked the following question:

> reporter: 'Mr. President, why 17 hours?

> POTUS: 'What is the 17th letter of the alphabet?'

> Crowd of reporters go silent from shock just long enough for POTUS to drop the mic and walk away.

Moments later, look to twitter:

> 'my fellow Americans, the storm is upon us'