Anonymous ID: ade74d Obama’s new Muslim outreach director Rashida Harbinger Elabed or Rashida Tlaib Jan. 8, 2019, 12:03 p.m. No.4664877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4909 >>5025 >>5114

Posted on 8/26/2008, 8:59:11 PM by LSUfan


Below are a collection of articles about and by Rashida Tlaib, Obama's new Muslim outreach director. She is not fond of border security. She is on the board of a questionable organization…




“Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian Muslim extremist whose candidacy was touted across the country on extremist Muslim and anti-Israel mailing lists, is unfortunately a viable candidate for this seat,” posted Debbie Schlussel, a conservative blogger based in Michigan.


Schlussel want on to say, “Tlaib was a top official at ACCESS, the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services, the agency that gets millions in your tax money to help illegal aliens, fight immigration laws and supports Hezbollah and Hamas.”




Tlaib is on the board of ACCESS (Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services). This is North America's largest Arab welfare agency that funded commercial driving lessons and attempts to get hazardous-materials hauling certificates for Ahmed Hannan and Karim Koubriti, members of a Detroit al-Qaida cell. Testimony at their trial revealed that the men planned to bomb the MGM Grand Casino and a host of other prominent US sites.


More chilling is that since ACCESS’ multi-million dollar budget is largely tax-funded, tax dollars likely paid for these men to get their "job training" organized by ACCESS. Tlaib also supported the ACCESS sponsored and funded the Second Annual Palestinian Students Divestment Conference at the University of Michigan. The conference’s keynote speaker was Sami Al-Arian, US leader of the Islamic Jihad terrorist group, now serving a prison sentence. His activities were well-known at the time, including letters stating that "the merger with the brothers in Hamas" was almost complete and bragging of a successful bus-bombing in Israel. Other conference speakers included assorted anti-Semites and anti-Westerners who had previously exhorted violence against and murder of Jews.In 2002, ACCESS was raided by federal agents in a Medicaid fraud investigation. A television report and several newspaper articles said ACCESS was involved in helping foreign Arabic women fraudulently obtain Medicaid to have their babies here in the United States.


Again, Tlaib is on the board. Oh, and Tlaib's close friend, ACCESS President & Lawyer/ACLU Board Member Noel Saleh openly stated he gave money to Hezbollah and represents a number of accused terrorists.




Finally, an article by Tlaib herself…


Unfair Detentions Rise at US-Canada Border New America Media, Commentary, Rashida Tlaib, Posted: Feb 01, 2007


EDITOR'S NOTE: Males of Middle Eastern descent feel humiliated by Homeland Security agents' practice of summarily detaining, handcuffing and questioning at the Northern border, reports Rashida Tlaib, advocacy coordinator of the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services in Detroit, Michigan. IMMIGRATION MATTERS regularly features the views of the nation's leading immigrant rights advocates.


DETROIT – Americans of Middle Eastern background are being stopped and questioned more frequently by Homeland Security agents at the U.S./Canada border.


(Article to long to post)


There is some dark shit about these newly elected fuckers and their ties to “An explanatory memorandum” written by the Muslim brotherhood —>which has ties to the Hamas.


Also, these organizations are worth some digging:

USCMO - political party

Project mobilize - political advancement of Muslim at local/state and fed level

Jetpac, inc.- empowering American Muslims in the democratic process

Emgage USA- mission to promote the political careers of “engaged Muslims” FOUNDED AND LED BY CAIR

Access ( Arab community center for economics and social services)—>supports hezbulla and hamas

CAIR- council on american Islamic retaliations —ties to hamas